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Political Signs Can Not Be Posted The property between curb and sidewalk

knundsen and Seden

April 6,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Reminder: The property between curb and sidewalk is owned by the Village, not by individual property owners. As such, this rule applies:
From VOR Ordinance #3540: Temporary, non-illuminated, political signs advancing the candidacy for elective office of any candidate or group of candidates or a cause subject to political judgment. Subsection B. General Sign Regulations. (l) General Prohibitions. Add: (j) All temporary signs, including political signs, shall not be permitted to be placed on any publicly owned property, including, but not limited to, municipally owned property, library property, parks, right of ways, trees, telephone poles, lighting stations, street or traffic signs, tree wells or planters, water utility property, and/or any other such publicly owned property within the Village.
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Reader says If a private business on Village property costs the Village money, it is not a good fit with Ridgewood

Habernickel Park Gate House

If a private business on Village property costs the Village money, it is not a good fit with Ridgewood. You can’t draw any clearer picture. If, somehow, this statement isn’t true, please quit ignoring all the complaints and prove the contrary. Putting blinders on may help you not see it, but it won’t lessen the money being stolen by them. “Stolen”: the taking of something that does not belong to you and profiting from it. “Stolen” the peace and quiet of a neighborhood–excess vehicles. excess lights, excess noise. The residents moved into a quiet residential neighborhood with little activity on their streets. The prior council decided it was fair to all to take this away and turn a residential area into a business zone. And lose money besides! This isn’t an airport which would have been obvious and one could have chosen not to live there. Businesses were not permitted in residential areas. And not permitted on areas purchased with Green Acres money. That place is at the opposite extreme from peaceful green acres. Can’t the council show how all this is legal and acceptable? How they can’t be forced out? That the town makes actual money even counting all the funds that the village has expended and will continue to spend? Please come out from hiding under your beds and tell us what is really going on! The council is obviously acting under the assumption if they “see no evil, do no evil” all will just disappear quietly into the mists of time. NOT!!

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Reader says the experiment has failed Ridgewood should learn its lesson and refuse to buy the land

Habernickel Park Gate House

If there is ever another property like the horse farm or Schedler, the Village should learn its lesson and refuse to buy the land. Let a developer buy it and build whatever they can get zonned. I have had enough of ungrateful neighbors who use my tax dollars to buy millions of dollars of land which is not not taxed and then whine about getting rid of dead trees and having a couple buses drive through their neighborhood. Enough is enough. The experiment has failed. The neighbors beg us to pay millions for the land to avoid it becoming condos, strip malls or whatever and then 5 years later obstruct any attempt to make the land useful. From now on, let the market decide what happens to any future properties. The village has to get out of this businesses.