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Deputy Mayor to Host Habernickel Family Park Tour this Saturday

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Village of Ridgewood Deputy Mayor Pamela Perron will be hosting a walking tour of Habernickel Family Park this Saturday! The tour starts promptly at 10 am.

Continue reading Deputy Mayor to Host Habernickel Family Park Tour this Saturday

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A Little history on the property that is now known as the Habernickel Family Park

20180819 113504

From June 19,2013,

My name is Richard Huffman and I am writing to give a little history on the property that is now known as the Habernickel Family Park. I lived on the farm from 1950 until 1977.

Continue reading A Little history on the property that is now known as the Habernickel Family Park

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Reader claims Healthbarn accused 2 neighbors of racism

Habernickel Park Gate House

Many many neighbors contact the council the right way about their concerns which are safety, fire code, the amount of large busses and chartered buses, lights and intensity of use of a small park. Stacy Antine owner of the private business Healthbarn accused 2 neighbors of racism. It is terrible that people stoop so low!

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Gardening Ridgewood

May 22,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Come, relax and browse through the many garden books in the Women Gardeners of Ridgewood Resource Room at the Habernickel Family Park Gate House (2nd floor), 1057 Hillcrest Road, Ridgewood.
The Resource Room will be open to the public the second Tuesday of each month, from 1 to 3 pm, on the following dates:
January 9, February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8, June 12, July 10, August 14, September 11, October 9, November 13, December 11

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Reader says Ex Village Manager Has No Regard For Tax Payers

Habernickel Park Gate House

She is mean and nasty. She is self serving and does favors for friends

She ruined a neighborhood Park by allowing her friends business to go there. Made serious usage changes without consulting neighbors.

Healthbarn is a private for profit business owned by a NYC resident. Classmate of Roberta, friend to Nancy Bigos and Janet ( Roberta’s other friend)

Roberta had NO regard for tax payers…keep her out. Do not vote for anyone she supports. They will be as nasty and rude as she is and the 3 amigos.

If these candidates get in watch out your quiet neighborhood could host a nursery school in the Home next door, a camp all summer long and holidays even a massage parlor. Who knows. Laws get changed if Roberta and the 3 amigos have a buddy that needs a place to run a business and maybe they will disguise it as a partnership with Ridgewood ( yet Ridgewood does not get ANY of the profits) all Ridgewood gets is below market rent!! That is a tenant/ landlord relationship NOT a partnership!!

Beware it could happen to anyone!!!!

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Reader slams Councilman Voigt’s letter in the Ridgewood News about all the good Healthbarn does for the Village


One of the most disturbing things is how Councilman Voigt wrote in the Ridgewood News about all the good Healthbarn & Stacey does for the Village. Jeff….news flash so do a lot of charities in the Village but you failed to mention them!! The other charities are run by Village residents something Stacey is NOT. Why does the Village continue to suck up to Healthbarn? Haven’t we given her enough? She has abused her lease over & over again & yet nothing has been done. Healthban already pays under market value for rent extra land for her garden & parking spaces. Sweet deal made possible because she was connected to the right people like her good friend Roberta. Hillcrest neighborhood is suffering because the Village has a blind eye when dealing with Healthbarn. If I was the landlord to a business that has caused a lot of problems to the neighbors & violated the lease multiple times & lied about her business plan I would kick her out!!’ I wouldn’t want to put neighbors in harms way to a business that has charted busses causing dangerous situations on Hillcrest, adults drinking alcohol at her restaurant style dinners & adult parties none of which were discussed at her VC meeting when council voted on it. Those things alone should be cause for termination!!! Not to mention the tent she puts up on park land for hours at a time. She uses way more land then just her garden all for $3,700 a month. Does the Council work for Stacey or for the residents? The way I look at it is Stacey gets a pass when we get fined for leaves in the street. Stop it NOW let’s stop helping Healthbarn successed & treating a non residents business better then the tax payers!!!

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Reader says Nothing is being done, said, or explained on HealthBarn

Ridgewood Village Council

file photo by Boyd Loving

Regardless of the huge multitude of requests to have the council look into the Health Barn and the huge number of complaints by local residents whose neighborhood has literally been destroyed, Nothing is being done, said, or explained. The council probably couldn’t even describe what the elephant in the room looks like as they are too busy walking around it to act. They apparently have decided if they ignore the whole thing, it will go away. NOT! I guess they are leaving it for the new council to take care of as they certainly cannot be expecting to be elected again based on the “tremendous” response they have shown to ANY Ridgewood problems. They saddest thing is all the money they are wasting by their procrastination and determination to do things that residents do not want (garage?) They seem to be all good individuals that collectively are scared of their shadows and any possible negative remark about them by residents. So Stacey could sue. Her prior actions have been to sue anyone she disagrees with but that was known about her before that contract was signed. Council JUST DO SOMETHING, ANYTHING BUT SNORE THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE DISCUSSION OF THE PROBLEM!

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Habernickel HealthBarn USA protest

file photo by Boyd Loving

The council created this problem and the time has come for the council to fix this problem.
This “business” has destroyed what was once a lovely and charming neighborhood.
As a reminder, the principle that government must be both “limited in power and ACCOUNTABLE to the people” lies at the core of our constitutional traditions (especially so in local government). Take action against Health Barn or we the people will take action by voting you out when your terms expire…
Can you hear us know?

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Reader says HealthBarn gets Too Many Gifts from the Town

Healthbarn USA ridgewood

file photo by Boyd Loving

Name one other private business that receives free garbage collection. Also was the disputed PSE&G bill for the spotlights she ordered? Without her equals no spotlights, so she should pay! This woman is beginning to sound like Roberta’s twin, not just a friend. Please, please fix this problem –by eliminating it. No one deserves the gifts she gets for her business from Ridgewood. If any other businesses in town need financial help, are we going to start providing it to everyone who asks?

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Reader asks So why doesn’t the council do a true economic evaluation (and read the Green Acres law) and give the residents a true perspective?

Green Acres

Isn’t it time to say “yes some people LOVE Health Barn” but how much is it costing the Village of Ridgewood? As has been pointed out, their activities spread over much of the property rent free while preventing residents from having access to “Their park”. They take many more than their assigned parking spots, for free. They even serve alcohol on Village property! Has anyone checked into the insurance they need? Or is she “self insured” by Ridgewood? A drinker gets into an accident? Ridgewood has the deep pockets and it is OUR property on which the drinking occurred. I’m willing to bet that she has not told her insurance company that she allows alcohol to be served there. She certainly doesn’t want her basic policy (if she has one) to be raised to cover that. Why should she? So far Ridgewood has provided immediate free response to all her requests. Susan, as much as you love them, you have said their costs to the village should be counted in. So why doesn’t the council do a true economic evaluation (and read the Green Acres law) and give the residents a true perspective? So far the only “Green” in this whole boondoggle seems to be her bank account! Ridgewood, instead, apparently is happy to allow her freedom, at no additional cost, to do anything she wants. That leads to red ink for us. You can’t keep avoiding reality. Villagers will not shut up until some honest answers are presented by the Council. We’ve been asking for several years; how long are you going to continue to not acknowledge we have a problem? And if you claim there is no problem, please give us honest answers that prove it!

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Reader raises more questions on HealthBarn lease

Healthbarn USA ridgewood

file photo by Boyd Loving

What needs to be explored is #1 what does this business do for Ridgewood besides pay a below market rent?

What benefits are there for Ridgewood to place a business in a park? To have changed the use of a home and whole residential area?

Why are certain folk supporting this to the extreme of embarrassing themselves?

And most importantly how much is this business costing the town of Ridgewood to be here?

And lastly if the business was down the street in waldwick would Ridgewood lose out on anything besides the under market rent?

Any class she does for the town or Ridgewood she gets paid,so why do we tax payers have to give up a park and a rental property?

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Reader says don’t forget the hostile tenant is a friend of former manager Roberta and classmate

Habernickel Park Gate House

There is a claus I believe #7 in the lease where the Village can terminate. Why they have not done this is beyond reason. NO answers. The tenant is hostile and has filed reports against neighbors so maybe they are doing their HW before setting her off into a suit against the village as she has threatened!

Rumor of her suing her old tenant is being looked into to.

Great person to rent to!

Aside from that the lease is vague and was written under the supervision of the old council in favor of the tenant not the town!! The 3 amigos and Roberta had an agenda to get this business in this space…don’t forget the hostile tenant is a friend of former manager Roberta and classmate

There is also an appendix to the lease so you really have to dig to get all the facts and “gifts” that were given to this business it was not written with the tax payers or residents of Ridgewood in mind at all!

Again a mis use of tax dollars and should be terminated immediately but has not…I believe because of the threat of a law suit.

Sad situation for those neighbors!!

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Reader says If a private business on Village property costs the Village money, it is not a good fit with Ridgewood

Habernickel Park Gate House

If a private business on Village property costs the Village money, it is not a good fit with Ridgewood. You can’t draw any clearer picture. If, somehow, this statement isn’t true, please quit ignoring all the complaints and prove the contrary. Putting blinders on may help you not see it, but it won’t lessen the money being stolen by them. “Stolen”: the taking of something that does not belong to you and profiting from it. “Stolen” the peace and quiet of a neighborhood–excess vehicles. excess lights, excess noise. The residents moved into a quiet residential neighborhood with little activity on their streets. The prior council decided it was fair to all to take this away and turn a residential area into a business zone. And lose money besides! This isn’t an airport which would have been obvious and one could have chosen not to live there. Businesses were not permitted in residential areas. And not permitted on areas purchased with Green Acres money. That place is at the opposite extreme from peaceful green acres. Can’t the council show how all this is legal and acceptable? How they can’t be forced out? That the town makes actual money even counting all the funds that the village has expended and will continue to spend? Please come out from hiding under your beds and tell us what is really going on! The council is obviously acting under the assumption if they “see no evil, do no evil” all will just disappear quietly into the mists of time. NOT!!

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Reader Issues a Warning from Habernickel Family Park

Schedler Property in Ridgewood


Updated Schedler Grant Application Click Here

For the Bergen County response regarding the Schedler Grant Click Here

Below are the Site Development Plans prepared by the Ridgewood Engineering Department.

Click Here for Part 1A
Click Here for part 2B
Click Here for Part 3 C, D, E

Maps – Revisions
Schedler Map Rev 8 – October 7, 2015

InfoClick Here for the Schedler Park and House Grant Timeline – as reported by the Village Manager at the September 16, 2015 Village Council Public Meeting. Wednesday, August 12th the Village Council discussed the use of the Schedler property.

They voted on the following resolutions:
Click Here for Schedler Property Resolution including House Click Here for Resolution to apply for Schedler House Grant

Reader Issues a Warning from Habernickel Family Park ……Or they can call it passive and put all kinds of parks and rec sports on it while travel sports are going on at the same time all the while a business is cashing in on our tax dollars with up to 25 cars dropping off and then again an hour later picking up clients and this goes on for hours in a PARK that is also used for baseball , soccer and lacrosse; there is NO passive in Ridgewood. With all this happening at once the neighborhood streets already in terrible shape are more dangerous then ever and at time impassable by pushing parking onto the street because guess what, we gave away 12 spots in the parking lot to a private business. Or they could always keep the schedler Home and restore it then rent it out for way below market value, use tax payers money to put in lights, cameras, walkways and provide all kinds of services for a private business to flourish in a neighborhood. So be weary of any decision on the table…our voices do not matter!!!!


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Anti-Semitic Graffiti Investigated at Habernickel Family Park in Ridgewood

Anti-Semitic Graffiti Investigated at Habernickel Family Park in Ridgewood

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

September 23,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, On Friday evening, 09/22, Ridgewood PD Patrol Officer Michael McDermott was assigned to investigate graffiti, reportedly Anti-Semitic in nature, that was affixed to the handrail of a playground walkway at the Irene Habernickel Family Park on Hillcrest Road, Ridgewood. Officer McDermott was able to successfully remove the graffiti, which included a Swastika, after taking photographs of it for evidence purposes.