If a private business on Village property costs the Village money, it is not a good fit with Ridgewood. You can’t draw any clearer picture. If, somehow, this statement isn’t true, please quit ignoring all the complaints and prove the contrary. Putting blinders on may help you not see it, but it won’t lessen the money being stolen by them. “Stolen”: the taking of something that does not belong to you and profiting from it. “Stolen” the peace and quiet of a neighborhood–excess vehicles. excess lights, excess noise. The residents moved into a quiet residential neighborhood with little activity on their streets. The prior council decided it was fair to all to take this away and turn a residential area into a business zone. And lose money besides! This isn’t an airport which would have been obvious and one could have chosen not to live there. Businesses were not permitted in residential areas. And not permitted on areas purchased with Green Acres money. That place is at the opposite extreme from peaceful green acres. Can’t the council show how all this is legal and acceptable? How they can’t be forced out? That the town makes actual money even counting all the funds that the village has expended and will continue to spend? Please come out from hiding under your beds and tell us what is really going on! The council is obviously acting under the assumption if they “see no evil, do no evil” all will just disappear quietly into the mists of time. NOT!!
What are the terms of the lease agreement with Health Barn? Specifically, I would be interested in the following:
a) the end date
b) any termination provisions contained in the lease
Are businesses even permitted in the R1 district around Habernickel Park??
Please post a link to the lease agreement!
I’m willing to bet that no one will ever see a real, unedited copy of that lease. And it’s also highly unlikely that your request will ever be noted and answered.
Why did this Council overpay for the old Elks HQ?
Speaking of which, where are the latest CBAs for police & fire? Can’t see them posted on the Village website even though our property taxes are what pay for them.
There is a claus I believe #7 in the lease where the Village can terminate. Why they have not done this is beyond reason. NO answers. The tenant is hostile and has filed reports against neighbors so maybe they are doing their HW before setting her off into a suit against the village as she has threatened!
Rumor of her suing her old tenant is being looked into to.
Great person to rent to!
Aside from that the lease is vague and was written under the supervision of the old council in favor of the tenant not the town!! The 3 amigos and Roberta had an agenda to get this business in this space…don’t forget the hostile tenant is a friend of former manager Roberta and classmate
There is also an appendix to the lease so you really have to dig to get all the facts and “gifts” that were given to this business it was not written with the tax payers or residents of Ridgewood in mind at all!
Again a mis use of tax dollars and should be terminated immediately but has not…I believe because of the threat of a law suit.
Sad situation for those neighbors!!