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Westwood Breathes Life Back into “Field of Dreams” Ball Field ,Brookside Park

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photo courtesy of Westwood Baseball Association
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Westwood NJ,  Westwood Mayor Ray Arroyo thanked the Westwood Baseball Association, Westwood DPW Superintendent Rick Woods , Westwood Recreation Director Gary Buchheister and Westwood Councilman Anthony Greco ( Council Liaison to both Westwood DPW and Westwood Recreation) for breathing life back into this “field of dreams” at Brookside Park.

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Eagle Scout Project Ads Much Needed Equipment Shed at Westvale Park in Westwood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Westwood NJ, according to Westwood Mayor Ray Arroyo , Liam’s Eagle Scout project  will serve the community well for many years to come.

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