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Who is this Mysterious Women …ah Councilwomen Bernie Walsh

Bernie Walsh

May 8,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, according to Anne Loving on Facebook ,”Candidate Harwin was at the train station this morning. She introduced herself to councilwoman Bernie Walsh, and said she is running for office and she will represent the commuters. (Mind you, councilwoman Walsh is completing her sixth year serving on the council. She herself is a commuter and she represents the commuters.). So what does this tell us? Ms. Harwin never attends council meetings although she wants to serve on the council. She has stated that she watches meetings from home after she gets her kids to bed. Ok, I cannot believe this. She would know councilwoman Walsh and her distinctive smile and thoughtful commentary if she ever watched meetings. So Ms. Harwin does not watch meetings, does not attend meetings, does not know who is serving now, does not know who she would be serving with if elected. How could anyone consider voting for someone who I so completely disinterested and uninformed? KNUDSEN AND SEDON.”

You see it does to pay to go to council meetings , you might even get to know the other members of the council .