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Starbucks Manager Warns of Bike Riding Vandals

Bike Lane Traffic Easing Ridgewood
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Glen Rock Starbucks manager Alicia Saige Whalen made this post on the “it takes a Ridgewood Village” Facebook page warning about groups of kids on bikes vandalizing the downtown.

“Attention moms and dads, I’m the glen rock Starbucks manager, but on behalf of the downtown Ridgewood Starbucks I just want to make sure parents are aware. There is a large group of children who plan on riding their bikes through Ridgewood this Saturday around 2pm. Last time they did this, they vandalized the downtown Ridgewood Starbucks and broke a sink in their bathroom. They ride throughout the town causing dangerous traffic conditions and run through stores knocking stuff over, wrecking flower beds, and playing chicken with cars. This causes dangerous situations for themselves and others. They plan to have the police involved to keep your children and the community safe. Just be aware and check in with your kids.”