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Long Branch Mayor Mancini Lashes Out At Attempt To Renegotiate Windmill Deal with BPU

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Long Beach Township NJ, Long Beach Township Mayor Joseph Mancini, who is heading coalition of eights shore towns opposed to the Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind (ASOW) project on environmental and economic grounds said Atlantic Shores’ effort to renegotiate the electricity agreement with the state BPU is another sign that the wind turbine project is not economically feasible and will serve only to dramatically hurt ratepayers with little environmental gain.

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New Jersey Senate Democrats Block Effort to Enact a 30-day Moratorium on Wind farm Survey Work to Determine if there’s a link to a Sudden Surge in Whale Deaths

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follow the money not the science 

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, New Jersey Senate Democrats blocked an effort by Senator Joe Pennacchio to enact a 30-day moratorium on wind farm survey work to determine if there’s a link to a sudden surge in whale deaths along the Jersey Shore.

Continue reading New Jersey Senate Democrats Block Effort to Enact a 30-day Moratorium on Wind farm Survey Work to Determine if there’s a link to a Sudden Surge in Whale Deaths