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The Impact of Offshore Wind Turbines on Whale Mortality: A Growing Concern

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ocean City NJ, in recent years, environmentalists, politicians, and concerned citizens have raised alarms about the potential impact of offshore wind turbines on whale populations. Apostolos Gerasoulis, a Rutgers professor emeritus of computer science and co-creator of the search engine that powers, has added a significant voice to this debate, asserting that offshore wind activities are indeed harmful to whales.

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Long Branch Mayor Mancini Lashes Out At Attempt To Renegotiate Windmill Deal with BPU

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Long Beach Township NJ, Long Beach Township Mayor Joseph Mancini, who is heading coalition of eights shore towns opposed to the Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind (ASOW) project on environmental and economic grounds said Atlantic Shores’ effort to renegotiate the electricity agreement with the state BPU is another sign that the wind turbine project is not economically feasible and will serve only to dramatically hurt ratepayers with little environmental gain.

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Environmentalist Calls Sonar Mapping for Wind Farms the Biggest Environmental Scandal in 30 years

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Atlantic City NJ, sonar mapping associated with building offshore wind turbines may have led to an unprecedented number of dead whales landing on local beaches in recent months. While the Murphy administration refuses to investigate and denies the connection.

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Assemblywomen Kim Eulner and Marilyn Piperno join a growing list of legislators, requesting the halt of offshore wind development until the recent whale strandings can be investigated

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Trenton  NJ, After as many as seven whales washed ashore New Jersey’s coastline, Assemblywomen Kim Eulner and Marilyn Piperno joined a growing list of state officials, legislators, and members of Congress requesting the halt of offshore wind development until the recent whale strandings can be investigated

Continue reading Assemblywomen Kim Eulner and Marilyn Piperno join a growing list of legislators, requesting the halt of offshore wind development until the recent whale strandings can be investigated