by CARRIE LUKAS February 2, 2017 4:00 AM
So much for ‘going high.’ Those who had warned about an uptick in sexism under President Trump may have been on to something.
As the era of Trump dawns, some women already are being singled out for criticism and scorn that is tinged with sexist assumptions and seems intended to force them back into roles society decrees are a must for good women. Yet this isn’t a Republican “war on women,” as some predicted. It is, rather, progressives and left-leaning media elites who are targeting conservative women. Take the recent Saturday Night Live skit ridiculing Kellyanne Conway, the first woman to have led a successful Presidential campaign. (Full disclosure: I’ve met Kellyanne professionally.)
Read more at: https://www.nationalreview.com/article/444481/melania-trump-kellyanne-conway-left-only-likes-strong-women-who-agree