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Hillary You Can’t Play Dumb Forever


Hillary Clinton hubris, FBI nemesis


“That’s not going to happen,” Hillary Clinton said in Wednesday night’s debate, brushing off a question about what she’ll do if she is charged with federal crimes. “Goodness!” she exclaimed, treating the subject as unworthy of discussion, “I’m not even answering that question.”

This was the Democratic presidential front-runner’s effort to evade a very pointed and relevant question from debate moderator Jorge Ramos: “Would you drop out of the race if you get indicted?”

He had to ask it twice even to get the courtesy of an evasion.

Clinton’s choice of tactic on this issue, to slough it off rather than treat it seriously, is perhaps to be expected, but it plays voters for suckers. Even if an indictment is not imminent or doesn’t seem probable, the fact that she disobeyed the laws and regulations that applied to her during her time in the Obama administration is not even up for debate.