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No Break from COVID during the December Ridgewood School Recess

rhs 2020 schools out

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood School District reported winter break Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases during the December Recess.

 Three individuals at Ridgewood High School; these cases are of known origin.

 Four individuals at Benjamin Franklin Middle School; these cases are of known origin.

 One individual at George Washington Middle School; the origin of this case is still under investigation.

 Two individuals at Willard Elementary School; these cases are of known origin.

 One individual at Somerville Elementary School; this case is of known origin.

The Village Health Department has determined no close contacts in school were found for all of the cases; therefore, only the individuals and family members are quarantined.

During this time of remote learning, if a family member becomes symptomatic or tests positive, please communicate with your school nurse. Cleaning and disinfecting of all exposed areas have been completed. The school is also taking precautions to prevent the introduction and spread of viruses and other germs and is cleaning frequently touched surfaces daily. The status of this situation is fluid, and we are monitoring it closely. We understand the level of concern regarding COVID-19. The district continues to work closely with the Village of Ridgewood Health Department. Decisions are made carefully and in the best interest of the entire community. The recommendation from the Health Department is to follow the 14-day quarantine for both exposure and travel. The incubation period for COVID-19 has not changed and still remains 2-14 day

8 thoughts on “No Break from COVID during the December Ridgewood School Recess

  1. Unless the Ridgewood BOE requires testing of students and staff prior to returning to the buildings on Jan 19th, the beat will go on with many more daily letters to parents throughout the rest of the winter and into the spring which surely result in more school closings.

  2. So I see that all of this mask wearing and lockdowns are working beautifully.
    It’s settled science.

  3. Keep the schools closed. Damn Covid is running wild right now.

  4. Open the schools

  5. Shut it down.


    Wash or hands

  6. Masks and lockdowns surely help – its the ppl not complying that are keeping this or helping to keep this thing going. Opening the schools without following the “rules” will still contribute to the spreading of the virus

  7. Masks and lockdowns just prolong the misery.
    They don’t cure anything

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