No “Golden Toilets ” for Habernickel
Habernickel horse barn renovation scrapped for now – prefab building maybe
October 22,2014
Boyd A. Loving
12:45 AM
Ridgewood NJ, Based on the recommendation of Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld, Village Council members have seemingly nixed plans to undertake an expensive renovation of the Irene Habernickel Family Park’s horse barn. The renovation project was being considered to satisfy a need for permanent restrooms and shelter from inclement weather at the expansive park located on Hillcrest Road.
Sonenfeld suggested that a prefabricated restroom may be a less expensive alternative, with preliminary estimates in the $60K – $90K price range. A $60K grant may help offset costs.
Many of you may remember that the restroom project at Vets Field wound up costing taxpayers almost $400K, and those commodes were constructed in an existing building.
Pay close attention to this one folks . . .
If they do build it Rev al could hold services .
Too bad they wasted all of that money on Garber Square….
For those keeping score, “Stopping the evil automobile” trumps “Do it fer the kids”
Thats surprising! The council must be running out of money.
Just remember, anything the Village does runs at least twice the cost of what you or I could do the same work for at our home. The red tape created by State, County, and sometimes Federal approvals, bid spec’s that defy common sense and require contingencies that are beyond the realm of reality, and of course the always popular “prevailing wage” statuate that ensures that those working on Village projects are compensated at a rate above many taxpayers who are paying the taxes that pay those wages. Our Gov’t at work.
What in the world??? Everyone is going to run into a toilet if lightening strikes? Why not run into Mommy and Daddy’s SUV?
Hay James how many quarters does it cost to flush that toilet ?
That facility does not have a lightning detector there….can you say “exposure”?
A system was just installed there last week.
Let’s not forget the ever popular “change order” scams that we always fall prey to.
Yes # 9 They get the job as the low bidder and then kill the town with ” change orders”
This is ridiculous. Does everyone have to pee all the time? What is wrong with the portapotties? They are fine for an emergency, otherwise just go home to take care of your business. So much money that could be spent on more important things.