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Over $400k in missing quarters, but collection process still the same

Photo credit:Boyd A. Loving
Over $400k in missing quarters, but collection process still the same
August 25,2014
Boyd A. Loving
12:32 PM

Ridgewood NJ, Despite having lost over $400k in quarters to “shrinkage,” the Village continues to collect quarters from parking meters by emptying open meter containers into empty pickle buckets.  These photos were taken on Monday, 08/25/2014 in the Central Business District.

And the band played on . . .

Photo credit:Boyd A. Lovin


18 thoughts on “Over $400k in missing quarters, but collection process still the same

  1. Stupid is as stupid does.

  2. Looks like a paint job to me.

  3. That bucket has a hole it it!

  4. I hear the latest proposal for the parking garage is cash payment. Small unmarked bills only.

  5. Many banks offer free coin counting machines so it could be problematic if we get another dishonest employee.

  6. Muni meters. Coin/bill/CC. You will have accounting of all the $$ while offering motorists flexible options.

  7. Government Management 101.
    Would never ever happen in private industry.

  8. After the Council and the Village Manage made such a todo about this and spending money on a forensic account we haven’t changed the process. They just keep feeding us BS and we keep taking it.

  9. I laughed my ass off when the Village Manager said the cost of replacing our current meters with meters that use closed cups would be too expensive.

    That’s like the bank saying it costs too much money to install a vault, so we’ll just leave the money out on the counters when the bank isn’t open.

  10. Delay. Derail. Deceive.

  11. they should of had that dirt bag who stole all the money clean and repaint all the meters.

  12. To use the term that our Mayor uses. “Moving Forward” What has changed?

  13. I know I’m guessing here, but more than ever before, I am totally convinced that coin meter money is used as a petty cash slush fund by the Village, and the guy who was busted simply went way over the line. It would explain his bizarre plea deal to avoid the matter being opened up in a court trial.

    For Christ sake, it’s 2014 and we are using these museum pieces to collect parking fees.

  14. Declan Harrison:

    I know I’m guessing here, but more than ever before, I am totally convinced that coin meter money is used as a petty cash slush fund by the Village, and the guy who was busted simply went way over the line. It would explain his bizarre plea deal to avoid the matter being opened up in a court trial.
    For Christ sake, it’s 2014 and we are using these museum pieces to collect parking fees.

    I agree. The reason they do not want to take credit or debit cards is then there would be an actual accounting of how much money is coming in.

  15. How much did that pail cost the Village?

  16. #15,

    $2.97 for the pail plus a skim off the top of the contents.

  17. Although I’m not convinced that all meters would need to be replaced in order to implement a closed container/collection system, I’ll give the Village Manager the benefit of the doubt.

    But, at a minimum, they should deep six those open white paint buckets/pickle containers and have all collectors use the carts depicted here:

    Continuing to use those buckets is a huge security risk, for the individual collecting monies (holdup/robbery) and for taxpayers (shrinkage).

  18. You give the Village Manger the benefit of the doubt are you kidding me here. After that large amount of money taken and hiring some outside agency to do an accounting and we haven’t changed one dame thing. What is she waiting for more money to be taken with this system? I though she was going to be A BREATH OF FRESH AIR.

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