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Reader says , “The council wanted this to go away as quickly as possible”


The insurance company made the village whole thanks to the absured General liability premium we pay with our tax dollars. Mr. Rica has had that loss subrogated to him by the villages carrier to recover the agreed 230K . And yes, going back to when the coin count room was in the basement of Citizens First inventory was stolen on a daily basis. I witnessed it when I worked there. Powerful attorney? Please. Any real estate attorney could run circles around the representation the village puts forward. The council wanted this to go away as quickly as possible and the only way that happens is when you fold. And when you do that its gonna cost ya.

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Reader asks Bergen County Prosecutor Molinelli left with $14,000, were are our Quarters?

pile us quarters 190605695

Past practices are what got us in to the mess we’re in now in the state. Nothing about the status quo is acceptable. NJ and Bergen need clearer thinking and smarter decision making, not payments based on “past practices” without written policy or contractual obligation.

When taxpayer funds are involved, the process should be transparent. Let’s remember this man let Tommy Boy Rica walk free after the theft of at least $500,000 in quarters (and most likely much more) from the Village of Ridgewwod, and now his friend Mordaga, who resigned from Hackensack PD, has an unsealed case to deal with.

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Reader says All this speculation about Parking Money Collection is for naught


Reader says All this speculation about Parking Money Collection  is for naught

The simplest explanation is most likely right Occam’s razor (or Ockham’s razor) is a principle from philosophy. Suppose there exist two explanations for an occurrence. In this case the simpler one is usually better. Another way of saying it is that the more assumptions you have to make, the more unlikely an explanation is. Occam’s razor applies especially in the philosophy of science, but also more generally.

The most useful statement of the principle for scientists is
“when you have two competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the simpler one is the better.”

All this speculation is for naught, the plain fact is the town was more concerned with getting money back than jailing this loser. When Hemmer stole over a hundred thousand dollars from the Ridgewood PBA coffers, his father paid the money back and he didn’t go to jail either. A meter man got caught falsifying summonses and got charged accordingly but got probation instead of jail. It’s within the prosecutors authority, with consent of the presiding judge to make plea deals and sentencing recommendations end of story all other conjecture is BS.

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Over $400k in missing quarters, but collection process still the same

Photo credit:Boyd A. Loving
Over $400k in missing quarters, but collection process still the same
August 25,2014
Boyd A. Loving
12:32 PM

Ridgewood NJ, Despite having lost over $400k in quarters to “shrinkage,” the Village continues to collect quarters from parking meters by emptying open meter containers into empty pickle buckets.  These photos were taken on Monday, 08/25/2014 in the Central Business District.

And the band played on . . .

Photo credit:Boyd A. Lovin


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Ridgewood hopes to conduct audit before employee sentenced for half-million quarter theft


Ridgewood hopes to conduct audit before employee sentenced for half-million quarter theft

APRIL 10, 2014, 5:56 PM    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2014, 5:56 PM

RIDGEWOOD — Officials hope to conduct a complete forensic analysis of the village’s financials before the June sentencing of a former employee who recently admitted stealing $460,000 in parking meter quarters.

At the council’s meeting Wednesday night, Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld explained that she had met with representatives from the Joint Insurance Fund, which she said would fund the audit.

“We’d like to get this done in the next two weeks,” Sonenfeld said.

An independent review of the method by which the village manages its parking meter revenues will also be undertaken, she added.

That, Sonenfeld said, would be paid for by the village.

The results from both analyses, Sonenfeld noted, could serve to guide village officials as they mull what future actions to take to prevent theft.

Last month, Thomas Rica admitted taking handfuls of quarters out of the parking meter coin storage room in Village Hall.

– See more at:

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Readers says Light sentence implies Mr. Rica is in possession of information that the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office views as invaluable


Readers says Light sentence implies Mr. Rica is in possession of information that the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office views as invaluable

It is becoming increasingly apparent that Mr. Rica is in possession of information that the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office views as invaluable. Perhaps information pertaining to others who were stealing parking meter revenues, and/or information about miscellaneous shenanigans at Village Hall, and/or information about the illicit activity to which the money was being funneled (I personally don’t buy his story that the money was used to help out with family expenses) . The public outcry associated with his receipt of a light sentence will certainly make it difficult for prosecutors to ask for harsh sentences going forward unless there are special circumstances associated with Mr. Rica’s case (that is, he’s dropping the dime on a fish bigger than he is).