the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Paramus NJ, Paramus descaled a tense situation at Blaze Pizza , apparently the pizza must be very good. From a Facebook post :
“I would like to publicly thank three officers of the Paramus Police, unfortunately I do not know their names. My husband and I were waiting to pick up food at Blaze pizza today, when an irate and irrational man came in and demanded a pizza from one of the employees. She told the man he would have to order one. He then started yelling and harassing her, and proceeded to grab a pizza that was awaiting someone’s pick up. He went over, filled his cup and then sat at a table and proceeded to eat the pizza, continuing to yell at the employee. Clearly the man was either mentally ill or under the influence of some type of substance. 911 was called, came quickly, and when the man saw the cars outside, he started to yell. Two officers came in and one pulled down a chair next to him and in the most respectful and kind manner, started talking to the man as if he knew him his whole life. It was relaxed, friendly and kind. After sometime of talking with the officer, and finishing his pizza, the man got up to go with the officers, not sure where. They respectfully asked him if they could pat him down since he was going in their car, and it was without incident. They then asked him to finish his drink, and when he asked to take it with him, they again spoke in almost a joking manner that it may spill and make a mess.The man proceeded to drink the entire drink slowly, while the officers waited. Their patience and respect for this man was amazing to watch. Their compassion and de-escalation of the situation was admirable. Even though it was a bit scary at times, I wish my children could have witnessed these men at work, and how they resolved what could have been a bad outcome, in a such a kind, peaceful, respectful way. Bravo to these men! Thank you for keeping us safe today and also for helping someone in need of help. I hope these officer’s name can be mentioned in this post, as they deserve praise, even though I’m sure it is something they probably do each and every day.”
Was he black or white? That will explain a lot about this story. I assume white by the situation, but not sure. I was was stopped by a Paramus Police Officer, for taking a shortcut from Fairview Ave coming out of Chelsea to get to Paramus Park one evening . He waited until I got on Midland by the before the parkway overpass, under a street light, pulled me over and asked what I was doing in Paramus after dark. That was one of a few incidences I had in Paramus by the police. I was again stopped on rte 17, at 3am in the morning responding to a gas leak called in. I was on midnight shift and was pulled over and asked did I steal the PSEG truck. I asked was there a call that a PSEG truck was stolen and he replied no. I asked was I speeding again he said no. Then why was I being stopped and that’s when he replied he thought I stole the truck. He then proceeded to ask for my credentials and I told he I was on my way to a gas leak, so he escorted me to the house. Inside was a little old white lady, who was freezing. Her pilot kept going out and we had been there 3 or 4 times already on gas leaks. It was winter time and we were loaded with no heat calls. Everyone would call in a leak just to get us there. We were not suppose to fix the heat when a gas leak is called in, just make it safe. When I arrived, the gas was off to the heat but she was cold. If I was like that Officer, I could have kept the
gas off and left. I stayed and fixed her heat so she would be warm. I could of reacted to the way I was racially profiled and not help the old lady. I wasn’t raised that way but apparently the officer was, ijs…
Wonderful to hear , cops are kind and very helpful . 👌😊
Paramus officers are kind. Unfortunately I’ve had to call them and they were so caring and helpful…. you guys rock !!
I don’t live in Paramus to me looks like The Police Force is Trained Very Well Compassion goes a long Way Just as our Lord Jesus Christ had on this world I support all first responders a cops job is not like it was 30 years ago more dangerous now than ever believe me I know from past Again thank you Officers peace b with your Whole Dept.God Bless
Racial profiling has no place in society. In particular, it should never enter into a conversation, mentally or otherwise, when one wears a badge. It is easy to attack the weak, downtrodden and desperate people who live in poverty. Get some education, get some therapy and do whatever needs to be obtained to remove profiling out if your mind.
Manny what are you talking about?
Manny – racial profiling is a made up term.
Experience tells a law enforcement what statistically might happen as a situation presents itself.
Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette
Pecan Princess story seems to have a lot of fabrication in it….
Let’s stick to the story at hand. Those Policeman had no idea what they were about to encounter but did their job in a compassionate manner. They are to be commended but remember this is their job and they have to do whatever it might be in professional way. 😷
The Paramus PD is a very professional compassionate department that is the busiest retail mecca in the USA. Perhaps you failed to notice that a few miles to the west is that SHIT-HOLE of Paterson, and a few miles to the east is that SHIT-HOLE of the Bronx. Paramus tries to be the retail destination of those who want world class shopping, but unfortunately it attracts the SCUMBAGS who are SHOPLIFTERS, STOLEN credit card users, and CAR THIEVES.
And despite being overwhelmed with these neer-do-wells, the Paramus PD does its job daily with professionalism and fair judgement to all, whether a victim or a suspect.
Just because I got mugged by a ‘pecan’ when I was in 6th grade, I don’t judge all ‘pecans’ as thugs and criminals.
Parsons police aren’t nice sorry but if that incident is true then I give them the it most respect
@Pecan Princess
I was there. He was black, not white as you assumed.