the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, pedestrian safety activist Frank Geraghty pointed out an ongoing problem on Franklin Avenue and Maple Avenue North is a very dangerous badly marked crosswalk outside 65 Maple Avenue North. A westbound pedestrian looking left (south) can be fooled sometimes by an empty avenue void of traffic. What the pedestrian does not realize is when he or she gets the all clear and walks west bound on the crosswalk that there is fast moving nearby traffic a few yards away on the left coming from Franklin Avenue and entering Maple Avenue trying to beat a seven second green light which is blocked from pedestrian view by utility pole and street light.
Geraghty was responsible for having tree branches removed from the corner of that intersection some time ago to improve visibility between auto and pedestrian to prevent a crosswalk accident ( see before and after photos from last year ).
Solution: …..Install crosswalk signs at this abandoned intersection, if necessary illuminate this dangerous crosswalk to prevent future scary incidents when cars seem to come out of the woodwork and scatter unfortunate pedestrians (who always appear to be at fault & careless) in every direction.
The absolute WORST pedestrian crossing in the Village. Shocked that someone isn’t killed there on a regular basis.
The County claims that the Village is holding up improvement of that intersection. Rutishauser (Mr. “Paterson palm trees”) has repeatedly insisted that the County is screwing it up. Who do you believe?
Who’s better than Frankie G ?
There are many dangerous spots in this town (NOT A VILLAGE) which you can bark all day long but won’t do much good. What will do good to avoid serious injury or worse is that RW pedestrians who are full of themselves , to open their eyes and use their brain that they cannot win the battle with a heavy piece of metal even IF they’re in the right. Jumping in front of moving cars and waving at the driver at night is a recipe for suicide. Calm down and let the cars move until you have enough space to cross. Stop with whining and think rationally. They need a basic 101 course that little kids get about how to safely cross the street. If you expect your politicians to improve your quality of life then you’re out of your mind.
On the other hand, have you seen some idi@ts who jog right in the middle of the street with cars moving in both directions? And if you honk they give you the finger. Go figure.
Unfortunate, but absolutely correct. “[E]ven IF they are in the right.” Also, Thucydides comes to mind: “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” So suck it up whiners and take it because your argument with physics is only going to end one way.
ForGeT beinG a wAlkABle suBUrb whaT AboUT tHe riGHts OF CarZ?????
Cars over everything! Such a shame that “lasseiz faire free market” views always revolve around the glory of the almighty automobile.
You are advocating for drivers who regularly, recklessly and dangerously break the law to be given carte blanche to do as they please, and against pedestrians safely using the crossings they’ve been given as protection under the law.
Drivers are supposed to stop, and stay stopped for pedestrians who are on the crosswalk or unmarked crosswal, even if its one foot on the crosswalk.
It is, at best, idiotic for drivers to believe they have anything less of a complete obligation to be vigilant in seeking to protect pedestrians and cyclists. At worst, such an attitude towards a convenient ignorance of social fabric and law is sociopathic.
No one is advocating for reckless drivers and most people who are not selfish, careless, idiotic and sociopathic would agree that drivers have a complete obligation to be vigilant, etc. as you say. But what planet are you on? When a minivan blows through the stop sign at Broad/E Ridgewood, as I have witnessed many a times, where is the “protection under the law?” Does it swoop down on American bald eagle wings are whisk the walker to safety? Simply observing describing the reality of the situation is not giving the finger to the social fabric. Maybe the social fabric is not as well-woven as you think it is, and a bunch of ‘shoulda’s’ and ‘woulda’s’ and ‘coulda’s’ and words written on papers somewhere won’t change that people are selfish, nasty, ignorant, entitled and careless. Plan accordingly.
or those who have their head in their phone while walking across the street without glancing up 1x
Or how about people that cross the street wearing dark clothes ?
There are many scary corners here in the lawns alone. The people who live in corner houses who put up a white fence. Just saying.
Yep. A couple folks in our lawns area with solid fences. Needless to say it’s a tad to navigate driving. Folks just shoot out
It’s not just pedestrian traffic
Cars over everything! Such a shame that “lasseiz faire free market” views always revolve around the glory of the almighty automobile.
The worst is just past the Duck Pond at Pershing/Somerville road and E. Ridgewood Ave. Car fly through that sections and never stop for pedestrian
There are many corners overgrown with bushes that do not abide by the ordinance requirements that homeowners have a 45 degree clear view angle. Wheres the enforcement