the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewood Councilperson Siobhan Winograd has vehemently opposed posting photographs of identifiable children on publicly accessible social media accounts and on the Village’s website.
But it’s okay for the Village Manager to post these photos on his official Facebook page Ms. Winograd?
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She’s just a class A bitch. It’s all about who takes the photos, not the photos themselves. Right Siobhan?
The epitome of white priviledge.
She is a dope on a rope and should dais dash her way right out the door!
Lots of posts this week on social media about a “stranger” taking photos of the kids at daycamp. So are these the photos that were being taken?
I am actually surprised that Kazmark is not actually in the pictures seeing as he loves a good photo op. He could also then use them to show people, when running for political office, which you know will happen again, how much he loves kids.
Oh the horror!
Could not believe that somebody actually posted on Ridgewood moms and dads this week that it is not safe for your children to walk to a neighborhood school by themselves. Wow! Lock your doors and never come out of your house. Get a life would you!
I feel unsafe with this council for sure.
That is an understatement!
Siobahn Winograd is extremely opinionated with no filter, which is a really bad combiination. Look at who she aligns herself with and you will soon figure out who the bad actors of the village are. It is a plain as the nose on her hyper critical face.
Winograd should keep her opinions to herself. Why has she not realized that no one cares what she has to say and yet she cannot put a cork in it and stop talking for more than a few minutes. She just blurts things out without thinking most of the time and if you listen closely, she blunders all of the time.
Joe Biden 2.0
This administration is the epitome of double standards.
I’m surprised, Mr. Know it All didn’t know better.
Keith Kazmark, summer camps are not held by the Village of Ridgewood. Why are you promoting private-for profit entities on taxpayers dime?
Probably because this shows people all of the great things that are being done in the village.. Happy, shiny people. Children laughing, smiling and playing. This is the way it should be, but unfortunately, all of the really bad things don’t get addressed and Keith and company just keep sweeping the creepy crawlies under the municipal rug and let the mayor and council run the village into the ground with tax dollars ill spent. Ridgewood has a pretty big “junk drawer” at this point and they really need to start cleaning it before it overflows.
This is a village summer camp
Yet another shiesty move from Village Hall. “A fish rots from the head down”
Keith Kazmark doesn’t care, he posted his own children on Village pages.
Kids = click bait and draw attention. Keith Kazmark is worse than a hard-up influencer salivating for “likes.”
Did Keith Kazmark get consent from the parents to photograph and use the pictures?
He also posted pictures of children at the Feeney Junior Police Academy Class at Benjamin Franklin Middle School.
Be careful Mr. Kazmark. You too may be unfairly labeled as a child predator by Winograd and the Ridgewood Moms and Dads lynch mob for posting recognizable photos of kids.
Oh yes, I forgot she uses a private Ridgewood M&D FB page to get information out there to her supporters. I would think as a council woman this would be a major no no but I have seen stories get shut down and Admins block people because of her. Not the way the democratic process of free speech should work.
And it’s also not okay to post recognizable photos of women according to some of those on the Facebook group lynch mob led by Winograd.
Yes. Ms. P. C. led that particular lynch mob.
Yep. The Black Lives Matter protesters who actually wanted to be photographed. Moms and Dads lynch mob at its worst.
How about the photographer taking photos of all the contaminated dirt around the village. How about that? They been quiet the past week regarding that issue haven’t they. Amazing, some people as quiet as a mouse. What hypocrites
The people worried about the contaminated dirt are not hypocrites. It defies my understanding that there is anyone who thinks contaminated soil is no big deal
Kazmark has it covered. He is hanging out with the Commissioner of the NJDEP. It will all go away with a little tap on the wrist. No investigation, nothing. Shhhh. Let’s just sweep it under the rug like everything else.
And they should be taking photos of all the garbage and debris behind the buildings and alleyways in the CBD too. Go ahead and thumbs down this comment you jerks. Stop working against the decent people who just want to clean up this town you morans.
Especially at Habernickel since that is heavily used by kids
Perhaps the parents sign releases when they sign their kids up for camp? It’s not uncommon.
For contaminated soil or for pictures 😂
Is one of Kazmark’s children a counselor at the town day camp?
Parents probably give consent to photos.
It’s like a bunch of mean kids are stalking the Village Manager. Get a grip.
Their is no expectation of privacy in public. Even for children….
Truest post of the day. Get a grip. It’s kids at camp, having FUN. Remember having fun? Does everything need to be political?
Bloggers would be having a field day if the photos were taken on the turf!