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Please continue to stay safe, “mask up”, but New Danish Study Says Not So Fast

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , the Village of Ridgewood leads every COVID19 update with, “Please continue to stay safe – mask up – maintain proper social distancing! “.  However a new Danish study out this morning has found no statistical difference in wearing masks versus not wearing masks as it applies to transmitting COV-19.

The NY Times reported that the study by researchers in Denmark asserts that surgical masks did not protect the wearers against infection with the coronavirus in a large randomized clinical trial.

The study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, studied over 6,000 participants, and half wore surgical masks. The others were told to not wear masks in public. Just under 5,000 completed the study. About 42 people or 1.8 percent were infected compared with 53 in the unmasked group or 2.1 percent. There was no statistical difference.

The study did not contradict growing evidence that masks can prevent transmission of the virus from the wearer to others. But the conclusion is at odds with the view that masks also protect the wearers — a position endorsed just last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

7 thoughts on “Please continue to stay safe, “mask up”, but New Danish Study Says Not So Fast

  1. This is utterly ridiculous. They have now spent over 8 months proving that masks work. If you are infected, wearing a mask significantly reduces the chances of you spreading the virus. A surgical mask can’t stop you from getting it but it can stop you from spreading it.

  2. As re: Mask Madness –
    Ever see someone driving in a car, alone, dutifully wearing their two cent wholesale ($1.00 retail) blue accordion-pleated mask?
    Well, Confucius say,” Man wearing mask driving alone in car during day lie in bed alone at night wearing condom.” 😉
    Chicken Little – “the sky is falling! The Sky is falling!”
    Adults in the room – “No, child, it’s just rain.”
    And Mark Twain is purported to have said,” The only problem with life is that no one gets out alive!”
    So put on your big-boy pants, come out from under the bed, and get on with your life!

  3. Per the first poster: masks actually do work both ways. They protect you from infection and they protect you from spreading infection. They are not perfect but they definitely help. What is the big deal with wearing a mask?

  4. This is silly. According to the actual article, the study has many issues, chief of them that it relies on self-reporting of mask use. Also, the study focused on how much protection the mask gives the wearer when the point of masking up is to reduce spread from the wearer to other people.

  5. Just wear a mask, wash your hands and stay 6’ apart… not difficult, it’s only you making it difficult. Man up and mask up!

  6. Masks are only good for population control and obedience.

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