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Please donate to Concerned Residents of Ridgewood


Your past contributions have made the difference.

If not for our grassroots involvement, a decade of massive demolition and construction would likely be underway today at Valley Hospital, doubling in size in a location that is already over-burdened.

The Fight Continues!  We vitally need your donations to: 

1) Finish our legal work.  The flawed Master Plan Amendment of 2010 is still on the books of Ridgewood.  The current or any future council could allow Valley to build to the 1.2 million square foot limits approved compared to the current building approximating 550,000 square feet.   While expensive, this legal action is essential to putting a final halt to Valley’s determined drive to expand in the Village.

2) Continue public advocacy before Ridgewood’s Village Council and Land-Use Boards.  The Valley Corporation has seemingly infinite resources and connections to get their way. It is imperative that we continue our grass-roots efforts to counter their efforts to put an incompatible building in our midst.

While there is much corporate and personal money being spent in support of the Valley aspirations, all the opposition is funded by our hard-earned donations. 


PayPal service is available for you convenience — or please mail your donation to

Concerned Residents of Ridgewood

P.O. Box 150 Ridgewood, NJ 07451.

Checks should be made out to Concerned Residents of Ridgewood

The group does not push that hard for money, but we cannot let them pay for this themselves. Please consider giving any amount–small is a lot better than zero. Let’s dig deep so that Valley doesn’t! Once is not enough–this has been going on for nearly a decade and is expen$$$$ive.

17 thoughts on “Please donate to Concerned Residents of Ridgewood

  1. Their website is “”? Sounds like a single issue, special interest group to me.

  2. James, the CRR just helped elect the Council, and this implies our Village agenda is dominated by a single issue, special interest group. I’ll ask again: given all of the incoming Council members saw donations from either the leadership and/or members of the CRR, the CBR, Friends of Graydon and Friends of Schedler, what are the positions of these special interest groups on the issues like police and teacher contracts, property tax cuts, challenging Valley’s “not-for-profit” status, repealing ordinance 3066, redevelopment of the CBD’s eyesores, etc? If Valley, Graydon and Schedler are the only things that matter to the incoming Council because of their conflicts of interest, you are doing a disservice to all residents by promoting just their agenda; this is the exact opposite extreme of over-development.

    1. the agenda is to send you back to Hudson County were you belong

  3. 7:13 – The development issue that the incoming Council members ran on was merely the most important as the outgoing Council majority was catering to the developer special interest. Trying to label grassroots organizations as “special interest” won’t work. That’s been the MO of the outgoing Council majority – accuse those that disagree with you what you are most guilty of yourself (see their track record on civility and transparency). The incoming Council will at least finally give voices to Mr. Sedon and Mrs. Knudsen both of whom are quite knowledgeable about municipal matters. The more we can unravel what the outgoing Council majority has done, the better.

  4. 7:32am, what exactly have they done? The garage won’t get built, Valley’s expansion was blocked not once, but twice (with the Mayor voting against their expansion twice), and the CBD redevelopment plans were done based on high densities that, unfortunately were allowed by applications to amend the Master Plan under ordinance 3066 – which was passed by Mayor Pfund in 2007. Yet nothing in the CBD or at Valley has changed since 2007. We have massive eyesores in the CBD; its a dump. Valley has overreached on expansion plans clearly, but they have every right to renew on their existing footprint if they so choose.

    1. if you live in Ridgewood you have to play by Ridgewood rules and expectations

  5. James, so you could care less what the positions of these special interest groups are on issues like police and teacher contracts, property tax cuts, challenging Valley’s “not-for-profit” status, repealing ordinance 3066, redevelopment of the CBD’s eyesores, etc? If Valley, Graydon and Schedler are the only things that matter to the incoming Council because of their conflicts of interest, you are doing a disservice to all residents by promoting just their agenda

    1. you are putting a bunch of issues together that have nothing to do with these citizen groups , the new council has not even been sworn in yet and I doubt to have been approved to talk for them or privy to anything they have on their agenda

  6. 7:13, you’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. Developers are special interest, but the CRR is not? Really?

    1. residents have a right to determine how they live, nice try

  7. 8:08. Did you check the NRA website to see their position on Global warming?

  8. Yes let’s give them more money so they can force us to spend our municipal tax dollars on lawyers.

  9. 8:08 Why don’t you just leave it at they(CRR) are MORE concerned about Valley than the rest of the agendas. They are all important to some degree, but this one could have a much more negative impact on the entire town in the long run.

  10. I have a special interest in keeping the town nice and the earth from blowing up.

  11. 8:07, 100% correct: Valley overreached on their expansion plans. Thank you to the CRR

    Teachers asking for too much
    Garage Plan D, still too large for Hudson. 2 X 2nd level garages would be better
    High Density Housing- Too many units, reduce these to 18-24

    Take your time do it right, the first time. Our Village is too important to shove these through
    I really believe the new Council will be wonderful. Proper decisions with 80-100% majority votes will become the norm (from 3-2)

  12. Every council screws it up, that you can count on.

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