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Police Officers’ are technically in violation of the NJ’s standard capacity Mag Ban

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Phil Murphy’s attempt to disarm tax-paying NJ gun owners. It seems that in their ZEAL to make everyone “FEEL GOOD” about “doing something” about the great “firearms menace”, nobody in the in the Murphy Administration got the memo that NO EXEMPTION exists in the current statute for off duty Police Officers for ANY gun they carry! So how many Police Officers’s are technically in violation of the standard capacity Mag Ban simply because their department-issued equipment is in VIOLATION of the LAW put into place by the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in NJ (our Attorney General)? 

12 thoughts on “Police Officers’ are technically in violation of the NJ’s standard capacity Mag Ban

  1. New Websters Dictionary:

    1: a ludicrous figure : clown
    2 : a gross and usually ill-educated or stupid person acting like a ridiculous buffoon

  2. Yeah but but But. Aren’t the police above the law.
    Well babe thanks So.!!!!

  3. Proving once again that Democrats think the police are evil and fascist anarchists (ANTIFA) and criminals (including illegal aliens) are good.

  4. what a load of bs,

    1. the photo is from the Bergen prosecutors office

  5. Police unions backed these democrat A holes

  6. Masses who say criminals in uniforms are here to protect and serve are imbeciles. These thugs in uniforms work for crooked judges and politicians

  7. Police unions are big supporters of the Dumbocrats in Trenton who’ve bought the votes of their members by consistently favoring union interests ahead of taxpayer interests. Look what that’s done to the finances and economy of the state. Soooey!

  8. We think they should go back to walking the beet. In the c b d. Talk about lazy.

  9. How do you walk a beet?

  10. Rethink the village of Ridgewood Police Department is on the staffed to have patrolman walking the beat Like they did in the 80s. I remember they used to check all the storefronts make sure the front doors are locked and So on pretty cool. Me personally I would love to see the police have horses like Bergen county that would be great. Old world charm. Burke county has horses. I wonder does Bergen county horse police squad patrol parks and walks throughout the county was just on special occasions. It’s nice to say. I think it’s great for public relations.

  11. Let’s not worry about route 17 anymore, let’s get the Bergen County police and state police to patrol the road this is not the village of Ridgewood responsibility. We waste too much time on that road we are all paying for Bergen county and stay taxes let them do their job. Let’s keep our great employees on tower roads only. And this goes across the board anything to do with Bergen county Road and State Road’s call that authority. Because we are not getting reimbursed. I see the paperwork .

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