the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ,Police Traffic Officers Association of Bergen County has launched a campaign In conjunction to keep pedestrians safe , ” In conjunction with the Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey ,New Jersey Pedestrian Safety Coalition, the Police Traffic Officers Association of Bergen County is geared toward educating everyone the importance of pedestrian safety. It’s important for pedestrians to look both ways, but it’s equally important to wait for the WALK signal when crossing at a controlled intersection.”
Resident Steve Kim posted on the Facebook page “It takes a Ridgewood Village ” , Plenty of aggressive drivers in this town…It won’t be a good mix with new residents who will move into the fresh 250 units downtown.If Kensington Senior Living (90 beds plus employees) goes on Broad St, and a 1000 seat Broadway-style Performing Arts Center is built at RHS (no provision for higher parking demand, and the building is to be built on an existing parking lot), then what happens? Oh, E Ridgewood Ave is a busy one lane street and a bus route. Broad St. – well, it’s not that broad…”
I thought common sense was outlawed.
We’ve been saying this for years. It’s amazing how people just walk off the sidewalk right into the road without looking. They’re on their cell phones heads down EarPods in just amazing.
Isn’t that funny that this is coming out two years later. We’ve been saying this for so long. And it’s amazing how so many people were behind that old stupid fucking law rule. We wonder who came up with that they Musta had their head up their ass that pedestrians have the right away bullshit. Any individual that walks right into the road without looking both ways he’s got to be the biggest jerk off.
I watched an elderly man walk across the street in the middle of a block downtown without a crosswalk and he didn’t even look up. I am afraid that when hundreds of new tenants start driving around, with downtown being their starting or ending point every single time, there will be many accidents and some deaths.
Yes the village needs to put up more lighting and more signage regarding crossing at the intersection only. We have a big problem in our CBD, and that is we have many individuals walking in between cars shooting across the street and they expect moving vehicles to jam on the brakes. With all this new housing being built. I think we may have to lower the speed limit in the CBD.
Put officers on foot patrol get out of the 95,000 suvs
Talk about the police cruisers why do they have the windows tinted.