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Potential Ridgewood Council Candidate Letter to Editor contains “misinformation”

Hudson Street Garage bogus renderings
photo courtesy of Saurabh Dani
March 6,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgwood NJ, March 4th Edition of Ridgewood News features a letter to editor from Bob Hutton who is potentially running for the council in May.
Bob writes “The latest rendition seems to accomplish consensus on many levels – even one level less of a deck”.
This is absolutely WRONG. The plan D, which is currently being pushed by Council Majority is NOT one level less. It’s same as Plan A, with only few inches removed from each level – and is STILL 5 LEVELS. So, overall height is decreased by 3 feet, but a level is NOT reduced.
This type of misinformation is part of the campaign by current council majority and Bob Hutton will be one of them, and he has already proved this from this letter to editor.

12 thoughts on “Potential Ridgewood Council Candidate Letter to Editor contains “misinformation”

  1. Hutton is insufferable…. I would rather keep the stats quo.

  2. Can he count?

  3. It’s Horrendus..a blight..imagine what that street will look like in 10 years..polluted dirty congested..let’s put a few massage parlors into the photo chop view to have a look ahead..add in some drug dealers and homeless is an an insult to the community and that historic vibrant house of worship..moneychangers at the door..

  4. No one has mentioned that this garage is going to negatively impact the Broad Street neighborhood. Hopefully, Susan and Mike will do the right thing and vote no on the 23rd. It’s not on the footprint, it’s too high, will not pay for itself and not the right spot for a garage. The whole process has been an attempt to get something done, no matter what, whereas the end result is not good for Ridgewood. Those in favor, can look away at the reasons this is not good for Ridgewood, but two of our council members should not.

  5. 12.39 is has the right perspective..the whole process was a corrupt back dealing down our throats approach by those who pretended to know better. Since then proven wrong on so many fronts..worst of all intruducing out of town computer traffic for the moneychangers class..

    Sorry back dealers. Busted front and center..mount st carmel time to denounce this and take a part in the Crusade for a Reset.

  6. Two words– environmental justice. They are dropping this garage on those most (churches, residences, renters) most unable to fight it. Congestion, degraded air quality, higher asthma rates in disadvantage cohorts, lack of light in apartments, etc. This whole garage concept has been ill-conceived and even worsely executed. Put some damn parking in the middle of the CBD, keep the damn meter rates affordable, walk a few damn blocks. Enough already.

  7. Bob Hutton would be a terrible addition to the dais. Absolutely NOT, no way.

  8. While waiting for the train to the city I looked over toward that corner and realized that if they build that monstrosity the top part will be visible from the train platform. UGH.

  9. 12.39/5.01/1.28 have the perspective.what are we going to do to Stop this huge environmental and financial assault,SUGGEST WE CREATE SOME POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE VISION FOR THIS North Cafe District .

    Stop the Garage.abandon the plan.As part of a redevelopment plan for that street and AJOINING broad streets etc..Tare up that sights surface lot.
    replan resurface stripe and number the parking stalls.electonic parking or kiosk paper ticket on dash meters.Visit Westfield nj town it works.Repave the sidewalks on that street.plant some trees and gardens.
    The Village green restaurant on the corner would be a good namesake and call that area something new like the Village Green North Retaurant District,during parades open that area to walking shopping.See, alternative sites in the central business district ie cottage place where no one lives or TOWN garage site and AJOINING lot to put up one it right with some taste.Pave the streets and replant trees along run from BEN and Jerries up to the train station,

    Keep is simple clean and inviting.cancel the Garage bonding.Its an idea who’s time has never come.Invites too many liabilities ..financially and injurious to the VILLAGE of Ridgewoood

  10. People get voted into office to get stuff done. Great attitude Bob!

  11. Or to stop stuff that is wrong for town 9:26. I wonder if Mr. Hutton will suggest to the council that they should wear uniforms if he get elected.

  12. Turgid and torpid….

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