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Public Service Will be Installing New Gas Main in Twp. of Washington Starting on Monday July 24th

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Twp. of Washington NJ, Public Service will be installing new gas main on the following roadways from the hours of 7:30am until approximately 6:00pm :

Eastview Terrace
White Birch Road
Wayne Place
Sycamore Avenue

Starting on Monday July 24th, work will begin on Eastview Terrace at Pascack Road working towards White Birch Road.

Work will move to White Birch Road starting at School Street and continue to Sycamore Avenue.

Work will then move to Wayne Place where the entire stretch of Wayne Place will be replaced.

Work will then finally move to Sycamore Avenue, starting at White Birch Road and continuing until Robinwood Road.

*Camp Parking* Access to and from Memorial Field for Summer Camp will be affected, please utilize Devon Road and Woodfield Road for parking as access to and parking on School Street will be limited. Crossing Guards and Police Officers will be in the area to assist with Camp crossing purposes.

Following the installation of the new gas main, area residents will be contacted by PSE&G in regards to scheduling their service to replace their gas meters to accommodate the new gas main.

Detours and delays are to be expected during work hours and Police Officers will be in the area of the work zone to assist motorists.

The project to install the new main is projected to last 3 weeks.

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