I’ve lived here since 1969. I won’t waste money on parking and a potential ticket to go in a store or post office. I go to post offices in other towns and if I need to shop it’s not here. How can the stores compete the malls where there is a better selection and free parking. I’d like to know what net amount th village even realize from the meter revenue.
By the time you add in costs of equipment , employees, pensions, theft of quarters, it’s minuscule.. All it does is chase away shoppers, just as taxes chase people out of NJ.
Years ago shopkeepers were able to give tokens out so the shoppers didn’t have to pay. But that’s not possible now… Try something unique….remove the meters. Overtime parking is easily enforced chalking tires as is done elsewhere. Triple the fines for repeat parking in order to stop store employees from abusing parking. Problem solved.
“How can the stores compete (with) the malls where there is a better selection and free parking. “
By buiilding a Ginormous Garage, of course.
Also building an Illegal wall is good too…
Retail is suffering across-the-board. 65% of us by on line. I just don’t know how they can sustain business. Shoppers don’t wanna spend money to park the car .There’s $20 million investment I don’t know, I’m sure it’s gonna look nice, but as I’m making money I don’t see it.
Its not even going to look nice…
These are the people RW voted into office and both this VC and the last are destroying and changing our town. Now that said, online shopping is not helping and we don’t have the right mix of shops to make this a walkable town. Once and done, Banks, salons, restaurants, coffee houses, high end clothing. shops and growing services.. This leaves few unique shops to discover and with the growing traffic, employees parking in prime spots and the increased parking spots. You can see why the exodus…
I like to know who is going to do the maintenance. Who would be responsible for the every day tasks.
Village should watch it free parking for the holidays. There’s no way I can retail can compete with the large malls And online shopping. Especially when you charge people to park your car. People say screw that. And let’s face it the local stores are nice but they’re not that great.