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Reader asks, How can we trust that anything Ridgewood Mayor Vagiano says is truthful and that he does not stand to benefit in some way

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from the reader comments

Ridgewood NJ, according to a Ridgewod Blog reader, “Doesn’t seem to bode well for Mayor Vagianos or the village of Ridgewood. especially as Vagianos is trying to get re-elected for another term. How can we trust that anything he says is truthful and that he does not stand to benefit in some way by making choices that do not benefit the people he was elected to represent.”

A litany of issues:

“1)Vagianos was introduced to Primavera prior to becoming mayor by his friend Gail Price (also partner in law firm associated with digital billboard)
note: Vagianos lends Price an alleged $47,000.00 “mortgage loan” with interest.
2) Vagianos brings Primavera to village hall to start meeting with manager and engineer prior to becoming Mayor
3) Background checks performed by the village conveniently do not consist of negative news or bad references and due diligence performed by several residents provided clear facts that all of the pieces did not add up and there was past history of leins, judgements, etc.
4) Consultant is later hired to move the Schedler project forward-paid over $30,000.00 tax dollars.
5) Consultant provides inconsistent verification information to village CFO and others employees on his company, that include various names, various addresses and various business EIN numbers which do not match.

Yet Vagianos knew about problems that existed, like the the illegal soil dumping for example and did nothing to ensure the safety and security of residents who would utilize the property.

Others complicit in this scheming are Weitz and Perron and Whinograd who all stood by Primavera and sang his praises. Obviously in light of this and all of the information that has come to light, none of these people can be trusted to be honest, transparent or have the ability to use good judgement. This entire group should be recalled and a fresh clean slate should be enacted to ensure that Ridgewood can more forward without seemingly ethical dilemas that leave us perplexed.”

18 thoughts on “Reader asks, How can we trust that anything Ridgewood Mayor Vagiano says is truthful and that he does not stand to benefit in some way

  1. You can’t. Next question.

  2. I wouldn’t worry about the mayor and Council, worry about the Board of Education
    138. Million, oh my God wow that some bud

  3. Pursed lips….

  4. He got all of us to pay for the garage monstrosity because he felt diners weren’t able to find parking for his restaurant.

    1. He also took from 4 million dollars of tax payers money given to healthbarn to use for restaurants?!?!?

      Now wants to spend 340 thousand more of our dollars and build healthbarn a pavilion. What gives with this guy?

      1. Stop picking on the money given by the state. The chamber of commerce had a board of people, most not associated with Ridgewood dining at all and there were receipts and spreadsheets accounting for every dollar. It kept restaurants alive, ask anyone that participated. This is getting old

  5. I skeeve everytime I see his face

    1. Post of the day!

      (Is ‘skeeve’ a verb?)

  6. Please add, #paulvagianos filled committee and Board positions with all his cronies. All systems to line his pockets are a go. Paul-lie cannot be trusted AT ALL.

    1. Including healthbarn

  7. article and proof that Paul Vagianos pays Richard Brooks, Dept. Chair, thousands? #newjerseyattorneygeneral we have a live one.

    1. According to the docs, the mayor lent these monies to his good friends, Brooks and Price. Maybe in exchange for something, maybe just to be a good friend, although I don’t know any friend that would charge 10% interest but I guess PeeWee is a business man at the end of the day.

      1. At the time, the Village attorney wrote a statement for the Mayor to read stating that nothing inappropriate occurred regarding the loan. Of course, keep in mind that he used to work at Ms. Price’s law firm, so there’s that. But I am sure everything was above board, right?

  8. Please add he personally supported and benefitted from feed the frontline and Healthbarn accepting 4 million dollars No wonder they renewed that God awful lease

  9. Thanks to the post of the day guy who liked my post. Yes, a verb meaning repulsed, icky and the like. Cheers

  10. I’m sure it was just him, waited all the Covid money go

  11. Dirty birds of a feather, Vagianos, Price, Primavera, VM, VA, Healthbarn getting a low cost rent and a new pavillion for $350,000, designer garbage cans for $60,000, the list goes on and on. I am sure there is so much we don’t know about that goes on with this bunch of schemers and I would love to know how much they are all profiting if that is what is happening as some have speculated. Another terms will bankrupt this village the way things are goin and having Whino and Weitz, the two twits on either side of the real “king of Con” just makes it worse. I think we are doomed.

    1. The tax payers need to wake up! Seriously what is happening and what can we do. Why is Stacy antine owner of healthbarn so entangled with all this?

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