Ok riddle me this….
Democrats are up in arms because “Trump is suppressing votes by handicapping the US Mail system”
Why aren’t Democrats going all out to insist on In Person Voting and to ban Vote By Mail so they can bypass Trump’s “evil Postal plans” and ensure that there is no voter suppression?
Oh right… because its easier for Democrats to cheat with Vote By Mail.
…OR, don’t suppress the mail.
Wouldn’t it be better if trump did not suppress the vote? Why do the Democrats have to make up for his illegal activities? Why can’t trump do the right thing for once?
“Reader asks a disingenuous question” is how this title should read. Trump only stepped up his attacks on the post office in response to the sensible calls by both democrat and republican leaders to expand mail-in voting because of that darn pesky covid pandemic.
As always, Trump has skillfully orchestrated a win-win for himself and the GOP. It pains me to say that Trump skillfully does anything, but look how easily this Reader and those of his/her ilk bought into it.
its called supply and demand
Trump has done many things right and few wrongs too. Your leftist eyes cannot see them bcs they’re blind by hate. Try to wash your hate away and you will see that Trump regardless his glaring flaws is still a much better alternative than your hate suppliers. How is he suppressing your vote when you still can vote any way you like, in person or by mail.
its called supply and demand
Think about all of those Christmas gift cards that you were not comfortable sending through the “regular” mail. Small change compared to who will lead our country for the next four years.
Trump NEVER tried to supress the mail.
“Voter supression” is just another “throw a lie against the wall and see if it sticks” attack stategy from frustrated Democrats who can’t compete with Trump on policy.
Ans EVERYONE knows it…. especially the Democrats.
Whether or not there is attempted voter suppression through the Postal Service, the question remains…
If the Democrats are TRUELY concerned about voter suppression then they should act positively and DEMAND In Person voting.
1) Democrats are unable to actually solve problems… their forte is complaining about problems and trying to make OTHER people change
2) Pushing “Vote In Person” does not serve the Democrats goal of winning the election by any means, legal or otherwise.
But, EVERYONE knows this…
“Trump NEVER tried to supress the mail.”
He did, and in typical fashion, admitted it.
that is just dumb
IF the Democrats believe Trump is sabotaging the mail,
then WHY are they not trying to AVIOD the mail and INSIST on In Person Voting so that “every vote counts”??
Right on.
T R. U. M. P
How is Trump handicapping the mail? These changes were suggested even before he came
To office.