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Reader asks Was there any publication that the BOE elections were coming up and any potential candidate packets were available ?


BOARD BIDS AMERICA A HAPPY BIRTHDAY: (from left): Board members Jim Morgan, Sheila Brogan, Christina Krauss and Vince Loncto join Superintendent Dan Fishbein (center) for the Ridgewood Fourth of July Parade.

Reader asks Was there any publication that the BOE elections were coming up and any potential candidate packets were available ? 

Any Notification ? Any Publication ? Candidate Packets ? 

Well two BOED trustees are running unopposed. So its the same old song. Was there even any publication that the elections were coming up and any potential candidate can pick their packets up at the BOED. Snuck that one through.


The next Regular Public Meeting of the Ridgewood Board of Education will be held on Monday, August 25, 2014 at 5 p.m.
The public is invited to attend the meeting at the Ed Center, 49 Cottage Place, Floor 3. The meeting will be aired live on FiOS channel 33 and Optimum channel 77. Or it may be viewed live via the district website using the “Link in Live” tab.

Click here to view the agenda and addendum for the July 21, 2014 Regular Public Meeting.

Click here to view the webcast of the July 21, 2014 Regular Public Meeting.

14 thoughts on “Reader asks Was there any publication that the BOE elections were coming up and any potential candidate packets were available ?

  1. That Transparency for you? Another fast one from the BOED.

  2. Didn’t have a clue either…

  3. Thats alright its “For the kids” Us “Folks” should just shut up and pay our taxes . We are on the BOED for life because we know best what is good for “Our Kids”

  4. The big question here is. Did Dom know?

  5. Brogan is running Ridgewood public schools in to the ground – remember her flip flop on Valley? She was willing to sell out a generation of Ben Franklin MS kids, but then she was pleased with the “no vote” all the same.

  6. She reminds of our Mayor. its all according which way the wind is blowing and which side of their mouth they are going to speak to us “FOLKS “

  7. Ridgewood public school system no longer top ten in NJ, so why are we paying top ten taxes?

  8. If you were truely interested in running you would not sit home waiting for the public notice to be printer.

    It is only a surprise to those who will not be running antway.

  9. So much for TRANSPARENCY # 8. Thats why we have newspapers, and other information sources. You must be a school board member. They will only notify the public when they want something or to brag about and program. Well next time there is a nation election I should not sit home but go to Washington and asked the President.

  10. Democracy isn’t a spectator sport. If you have even the slightest interest in running for the position, the amount of information available on the internet alone is everything you need to know. If you can’t find it then you’re not qualified to hold a seat.

  11. I am not a school board member. Seriously, if you were thinking about running you would have looked into it sooner. None of you were running, don’t pretend that you were misled. H

  12. There you go #12 speaking for everyone. How do you know that people were not think of running ? Maybe if the BOED had published the opening someone would have consider it. No one say that they were misled. Just denied public information.

  13. No one is going to run because the current BOED is just doing a such a great job !

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