Even ultra liberal NY gov Cuomo is super-pro-business…
Just look at the “START-UP NY” program implemented by some of the biggest liberals in the country…
No taxes for 10 years, other tax incentives, direct access to academic research for free, etc, etc.
This is typical liberal M/O/ … say one thing in public (Big Business is bad) then do something totally opposite usually to line the pockets of your friends. (See also global warming).
Even RW engages in this hypocrisy(see Aronsohn, et. al.)
But NJ politicians are too stupid to support business… they actually believe the liberal utopian lie.
The Cuomos have been feeding at the public trough for 60 years…of course they’re pro busine$$
Do not confuse cronyism with being pro-business.
“Tax incentives” are disguised giveaways to an arbitrary group of special interests and ultimately acknowledge that tax rates are too high. Better to lower statutory tax rates for everyone rather than choosing winners and losers.