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Reader Comments on Ridgewood’s Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

Ridgewood's Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

Agree whole-heartedly with Ms. Aktar’s observation. Like many local residents I have negotiated that hill in both directions having lived in Ridgewood since 1950 and having had a driver’s license since 1959. It has been only in recent years that I have observed on too many occasions trucks attempting the ascent and creating a hazard by blocking the tracks and/or the passage of other vehicles. Some commercial vehicles, particularly landscape contracting vehicles with trailers, manage it but not without risk.

It’s a fair assumption that the widespread use of GPS devices are indeed the source of the problem, particularly in the case of those drivers unfamiliar with the area who get the impression that there is a more direct route to their destination. One would think that the NJDOT would have a more imaginative solution to the problem than those suggested. More emphatic signage on the Ho-Ho-Kus side of the tracks demonstrating the steep and tortuous nature of the roadway would be a start. Even a low clearance sign – albeit fictional – or even a height barrier at the foot of the hill would suffice to discourage truck traffic of a size unable to start up the hill.

11 thoughts on “Reader Comments on Ridgewood’s Glenwood Road to become one way street east of Upper Boulevard

  1. I’ve been scared of that hill for 45 years and drive well out of my way to avoid it. Will not use it. For years the high school yearbook was dedicated to a student who had been hit by a train while going over the tracks, too.

  2. That is a dangerous road.

    No trucks or busses

  3. Keep it 2 way.
    Ban vehicles over a certain size/weight/class (i.e trucks/busses)

  4. Making it one way is pointless. There is a picture of a tractor trailer going downhill that got stuck.

    The signage warning no large vehicles needs to me made clearer. Also, police may want to dedicate more time to this road instead of trying to catch unsuspecting motorists on Rt 17.

  5. Is the hs student story true? I never heard it, live here 30 years

  6. Yes, the HS student story is true. A young woman was killed there in the late 1980’s.

  7. Keep it two way. The posts asking for better signage are legit. And while the HS student story is sad, making it one way won’t change the danger of crossing the tracks. This is one more case of the Village Engineer’s idiocy! The average vehicle is 6′ wide. North Monroe (25mph) is approximately 29′ from curb to curb, between Fairmont and Patricia Ct – but No Parking on either side. Most cars coming up Glenwood from HoHoKus turn onto Hillcrest.. Whether you turn left or right on Hillcrest, between Hamilton and Fairmont the road average 21′ – 23; But there’s Parking on both sides of the street!!!. So if there’s a truck (which is wider than 6′) is parked on both sides of the street (like landscapers do in the summer) you have about a foot on either side if you want to get by. So the same brain trust that puts this into place now wants to screw around with Glenwood.

  8. Keep it two way. The posts asking for better signage are legit. And while the HS student story is sad, making it one way won’t change the danger of crossing the tracks. This is one more case of the Village Engineer’s idiocy! The average vehicle is 6′ wide. North Monroe (25mph) is approximately 29′ from curb to curb, between Fairmont and Patricia Ct – but No Parking on either side (even though there’s 17′ of clearance). Most cars coming up Glenwood from HoHoKus turn onto Hillcrest.. Whether you turn left or right on Hillcrest, between Hamilton and Fairmont the road average 21′ – 23; But there’s Parking on both sides of the street!!!. So if there’s a truck (which is wider than 6′) is parked on both sides of the street (like landscapers do in the summer) you have less than a foot of clearance – God forbid that a fire truck has to get through! So the same “brain trust” that puts this into place now wants to screw around with Glenwood.

  9. Why not fully close it?!

  10. Agree with E re – – some signage or one of those overhanging things would prevent the morons from trying to drive up the hill.

    And yes, the Village engineer is worthless.

  11. “Why not fully close it?!”
    Why not ban all motor vehicles. and make RW a Walking Utopia.

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