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Reader Gives Synopsis of Last nights Ridgewood Council Meeting

Ridgewood Village Council

A few high points:

Rurik Halaby called Schedler a DUMP, said any plan to spend money there is STUPID, And with his penchant for big fancy words and historical accuracy, he still cannot pronounce the Mayor’s name. Rurik, it is not KAH-nudsen. It is a silent K. You KAH-now how the silent K works, dontcha?

Tony Damiano made a fool of himself and the entire Ridgewood Guild. First he gets all huffy that his name was put on a committee. Seems he is unwilling to serve on any committee unless he knows all the members beforehand, because, well, he wants TOTAL CONTROL. Then he whines and whines about his mom and pop store and how his 8-hour employee has to lock the store and drive around for 20 minutes after four hours in order to find another parking space to cover the next four hours. Ummm …..start at Cottage Place before your work day begins, park there all day, you never need to leave. It is so simple. Damiano LIED when he said there is nowhere for his employee to park. He just doesn’t want his employee to walk a couple of blocks from the always empty Cottage lot. Duh.

The owner of Roots restaurant mentioned that “Roberta” is a bad word that he hesitates to use in the council chambers.

On a very sad note, Mayor Knudsen acknowledged the passing of Meegan Shevlin, who lost her battle with breast cancer last week. Whether you agreed with Meegan or not, hers was always a lively, passionate, and informed voice on various subjects. She was a wonderful person and a fine example of citizen participation in local issues.

And then there was the continuing revelation that the mystery of the concrete which was illegally dumped at Kings Pond last year remains, well, it remains a MYSTERY. Boyd Loving has attempted to learn what contractor did this dumping, who from the Village enabled it, all with the goal of making sure that such an EPA violation never happens again. And to make sure that this contractor is never hired again. And to make sure that anyone on the inside who enabled this illegal action gets called on the carpet.

The meeting was smooth, efficient, and wow, just amazing how Roberta’s absence is a beautiful presence…..or you might say it is the PRESENT that just keeps on giving.

13 thoughts on “Reader Gives Synopsis of Last nights Ridgewood Council Meeting

  1. Tony was RIGHT about one thing though…how on earth is PSE&G allowed to go tear up another section of town without finishing on Glen? The planned work on Broad, Franklin etc. will kill any holiday shopping or last minute gift getting in town. So wrong to do this in 4th quarter.

  2. Clearly, the illegal dumping of materials at Lakeview was an inside job. Locked gates, no evidence of anyone having tampered with the locks and no one in the neighborhood saw anything? Come on now. Someone knows something. Who is being protected? Granted, this was just concrete, not a toxic chemical, but still someone was in the wrong. Taxpayers are entitled to know exactly what happened up there.

  3. Glad that someone is else is annoyed with PSE&G’s daily disruptions…

    The Rurik narrative is hilarious. A very entertaining dude.

  4. People, just deal with PSE&G. They’re investing in our infrastructure. Hopefully they’ll replace a few streetlights that Sandy took out while they’re at it.

  5. I would love to see Rurik get his own reality show.

    Did anyone see Pooch’s letter to the editor the other day…?

  6. Pooch’s letter was just plain ridiculous.

    Let’s talk reality, not nonsense:

    Show me a leader/manager who would allow any employee who submitted a letter of resignation in which he/she expressed his/her utter dissatisfaction (in writing) with working conditions, and also plainly acknowledged (in writing) a complete disagreement with management’s philosophies, to continue his/her employment with complete access to the employer’s computer network, telephone system, accounting data, and confidential personnel files, and I will show you a leader/manager who is a big asshole.

    Susan Knudsen did the right thing by forcing that condescending bitch with the fat ass out of her office and out of the building.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish!

  7. Pooch’s letter is ridiculous. Why can’t he just take the high road and quietly let his successors rule. Oh, that’s right, Albert cannot take the high road because he is a LOW LIFE. His ego would never ever let anything get past without having a nasty comeback. Albert is the king supreme of the last word. Watching him blow his top (toupee) over the past four years was great entertainment. He is an angry, vindictive, vicious man for sure. But he is out of office, thank God.

  8. Damiano is a whiner and he spits out nasty bits of poison. The Ridgewood Guild is not well-served by having him as their leader.

  9. Re the outgoing (gone) Village Manager, the right thing to do is tell the counsel that you think they’d be better served by someone else, and that you’d be happy to stay on and enable a smooth transition to the new Manager. If she was asked to leave anyway, then at least she looks professional. Instead, she took a figurative dump on her boss’ desks, then started emailing around the office to tell people about it. So she was escorted from the building! Think about it. How else is that scenario going to play out? How high in the corporate world could she have risen, really? I’m genuinely curious.

  10. Tony D is an OK guy and I have no beef with him or Gina (especially with her work at Habitat). His only problem is that he looks at the Guild as his own empire. Tony: you gotta let everyone shine and not just yourself. As for parking, cut a deal with the Ken Smith folks like many other business have already done.

  11. Roberta was a time bomb waiting to explode left behind by the Aronsohn conglomerate. Good she’s gone. She sealed her own coffin by submitting a nasty letter of resignation, and then behaving badly immediately following its submission. No supervisor in their right mind would have let her stay on. Mr. Pucciarelli wrote in her defense only because he’s one of those who hired her. He’s only trying to save his own face.

  12. Rurik Halaby is nothing but a Shmendrik and a Kolboynick

  13. 4:43 suggest that the business owners join the taxpayers and pony up
    750 each year for a parking pass.That might be getting off cheap if the resident rates are somehow magically extended to store owner sponsors.RESIDENT PARKING FOR train and local use is a Rip Off.
    $ 750 is at least 15 percent surcharge of the lower value bands of the towns annual property tax bills.

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