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Reader says , I have about a decade before my eldest needs to take some college admissions test, so hopefully this social justice nonsense would lose steam “


I have about a decade before my eldest needs to take some college admissions test, so hopefully this social justice nonsense would lose steam by then.

Fact: kids bear no responsibility to how much time and $ their parents invested in them. Therefore penalising their hard-earned test taking labour is a wrong approach.

Fact: ppl will cheat like mad. Everyone has a Cousin Billy in some shittown whose address they can cite on SAT application to bump up their scores.

Fact: Ridgewood has way above average % of successful people and it won’t be incorrect to speculate that we also have higher than average IQ. And the chances are that some of that gift would be passed to our kids. Bringing scores down for high IQ people is a waste of time. They’ll outcompete their counterparts from Bronx either way.

I could go on, but need to get back to work. Here’s a final fact: the new SAT scoring system would create jobs for HR dropouts and do nothing for kids of poor backgrounds. Just like all the other waste of taxpayer $ social engineering “programs” our well-meaning, upper middle class, white, liberal friends have pushed.

Wanna help kids from disadvantaged families? Bring trade schools to every middle and high school to teach kids practical skills early on. They already have free college to go to if they so desire, regardless of their SAT scores. And if some of them are smart enough to go to Ivy, they can score high enough on their own, without the curve.

5 thoughts on “Reader says , I have about a decade before my eldest needs to take some college admissions test, so hopefully this social justice nonsense would lose steam “

  1. Why wouldn’t you just have your kids take the ACT instead? All schools accept it as an alternative to the SAT.

  2. College is no longer necessary.
    The Indoctrination Centers (aka Public schools) have already infected the kids with socialism.
    No longer any need to attend college… they just need to get out in the worlld and start infecting the rest of the population.

  3. I’m guessing the poster’s kids didn’t get extra credit for decorating (littering) the CBD with orange ribbons before the anti-2A protest tomorrow.

  4. What the heck is going on with the orange ribbons mounted on village light posts? This can’t be legal.

  5. All of these efforts can be foiled. Test scores should stand as is. If the school wants to add a “hardship” essay then do it. Stories worthy of a Hollywood docudrama will be submitted. Look at the school profiled in the NYT “The Weekly”.

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