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Reader says if the CBD stakeholders wont invest in solving their own problem, the notion of funding a garage becomes a non-starter

parking token

So if Vagianos and other CBD stakeholders wont invest in solving their own problem, the notion of funding a garage becomes a non-starter. Clearly parking garage is not all that urgent unless it is to support an application for unrelated high density housing

12 thoughts on “Reader says if the CBD stakeholders wont invest in solving their own problem, the notion of funding a garage becomes a non-starter

  1. For those who don’t remember . In the past the store owners use to pass these token out during the holiday for shopping in their stores.

  2. To add to the above statement taxpayers funding of valet parking in the CBD should also stop.

  3. The valet was worth a try. The fact that whining store owners like Vagianos and Damiano were unwilling to participate tells me that they wanted it to fail. They are unwilling to help,at all. They just want the taxpayers to fund a gigantic garage that benefits them and only them. How do they stand themselves. They are despicable.

  4. 9:17am, is there really a “chamber” and a “build”? How can they respect these selfish leaders year over year again and again?

  5. 7:30 8:09 and 9:17 are all correct end the pain ….shoot this ailing Mule…end the dreamy business plans by restaurants for a second seating cycle to top off their coffers at our general expense liability

  6. I don’t understand people on this blog. You have dilapidated buildings down town and building a garage would help the parking issue for family’s and the downtown to bring other business to our area. Everyone on this site all they do is complain and wont help fix the problem. You are the ones that divide the people to let in the big builders come in and take over.. Stop complaining about taxes and the old governing body and work together. Cleaning up and updating down town is not a bad thing for our village it could bring new life back in to our village.

    1. then white a check , pay for the garage, build a building , get to it

  7. Let them squawk at council meetings. If they can’t succeed without a garage, they won’t succeed with one. Then we will be left holding the tab for decades. NO.

  8. So 12:46 if an owner let his build go into disrepair ( dilapidated) then the town should buy it and put a parking garage. Why doesn’t the town enforce the ordinances concerning property maintenance on these dilapidated building like they enforce the ordinances for leaf pickup and watering. No your plan is to stop complaining.

  9. 12:46 I agree with you 100% The town should reinforce the ordinance to maintain there property. If they don’t comply to the ordinance then the building should be seized by the town

  10. 12:46 Your last line states it all. Clean up and re- stripe and pave the current lots; get rid of valet parking using spots that residents want to use –let their employees drive further, not potential customers of competing businesses; make property owners repair their property (the Town Garage was hurriedly bought by speculators who had heard the village wanted it for a garage. They bought it to flip it quickly at a huge profit, not to maintain it. If the village won’t buy at their price, they plan to leave it an eyesore until the Village caves at the ugliness and finally buys it.) Last of all, do the repairs on the current lots first (while banning valet parking from using them) and see if we really need a garage more than a few nights a week. If we do, I doubt it, make the owners of these stores and restaurants pay at least half and sign the mortgage. If they need it so badly, they can help pay for it. If the builders of all these new condos need the parking to make their locations legal, let them join with the other owners to build a garage. Ridgewood residents don’t owe those owners anything and certainly not a garage built for their convenience.

  11. Well said 4:15

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