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Reader says in a Longer Letter Voigt Claimed A parking garage will lower our property taxes in Ridgewood

Jeff Voigt Ridgewood Council

file photo by Boyd Loving

Voigt wrote an even longer letter that The Record edited down. In his longer edition he wrote:

“Looked at another way: Since 2008, the central business district (CBD) has lost approximately $120 million in assessed value due to declining sales – with a main reason for this being a lack of parking. This $120 million loss in assessed value translates into a loss of approximately $3 million in tax revenue from the CBD. This is the amount that househoulds are paying that could have been paid by the CBD. In other words, improving the parking issue, helps CBD businesses increase their sales and their assessed value and; in turn lowers resident’s property taxes.”
How much is wrong with this idiot thinking? A garage will lower our property taxes??? The main reason that the businesses are not doing well is parking (and not internet sales)?????

He has not lost his mind – no, actually he HAS NO MIND.

15 thoughts on “Reader says in a Longer Letter Voigt Claimed A parking garage will lower our property taxes in Ridgewood

  1. Assessed values are determined in part by rents charged, not by sales volumes or revenues. Voigt should check his facts before opening his mouth.

  2. Here, fixed that fer ya:

    “Looked at another way: Since 2008, the central business district (CBD) has lost approximately $120 million in assessed value due to declining sales – with a main reason for this being a lack of parking.

    Looked at another way: Since being elected, Jeff Voight has shown himself to be a dishonest, untrustworthy, duplicitous person – one who actively campaigned AGAINST the Hudson Street Garage in order to GET elected, then once elected ACTIVELY uses his position to bully other council members and attempt to force through the construction of a Hudson Street garage

  3. He’s delusional

  4. Never mind checking his facts before he opens his mouth. He should just keep his mouth shut. Except to say two words. I RESIGN. Say it now Jeff, before you get removed from office.

  5. You poster have no problem with the Mayor buying the Town Garage property ,spend thousands to remediate the property and putting a parking garage there. Just check the Capital Budget the purchase of the Town Garage is in there .

  6. Just came from dinner in town. Saturday night. Everyone is back from summer vacations. We were cracking up at all the open spots we saw. All over town. Hudson Street lot had plenty. Ridgewood avenue had plenty. Yes, Jeff, we need a parking garage.

  7. 7:13 Gotta be Jeff himself. We have been waiting for you. Know you are checking The Blog incessantly. pitiful man

  8. RE: “You poster have no problem with the Mayor buying the Town Garage property ,spend thousands to remediate the property and putting a parking garage there.”

    Really Jeff? How do you know this?
    Where does “you poster” state that they “have no problem with the mayor….”?
    Oh right… FACTS DO NOT COUNT in your world. You just can’t help yourself from continually lying.
    I agree with 3:36pm. You have proven your self to be a liar unworthy of trust.

  9. From a NY Times article on lying.

    “Manipulative lies are the hallmark of the sociopath, or ”antisocial personality,” who is driven by utterly selfish motives. Such people are not necessarily criminals; they may gravitate toward the fringes of trades like sales, where their bent toward lying may serve them well. Since sociopaths feel no remorse or empathy for their victims, they are capable of the most cold-hearted of lies.”

    Just sayin’…

  10. !0:05 do you have a problem with the Village of Ridgewood buying theTown Garage property taking it off the tax rolls , spending thousands to remediate the property and putting a parking garage up ?

  11. “From a NY Times article on lying.” They should know.

  12. If he only had a brain.

  13. If Jeff Voigt had followed through on any of his campaign promises about working together as a council, transparency in government, no big parking garage, etc, it would have been swell. Instead he has been nastier than nasty to his council colleagues and to members of the public, he does all these back-room email deals to get people against the Mayor, and he is pushing the garage because Aronsohn and Halaby want it. Wow, he is an amazing failure.

  14. He is the biggest liar in town. Lied to friends and neighbors faces. He should be ashamed and his family embarrasses. I would die if he was my dad or husband. But he doesn’t seem to care about anyone !

    And he claims to be a numbers guy and aware of town finances. Maybe he should take a second and look at the waste of tax payers dollars at his beloved healthbarn.

    $3800 a month for 6 years. No annual increase!! Use of 11 acres for the businesses own private profit. Maintainence done by parks and rec constantly, security, lights 12 parking spots ( what is that worth in Voight world). And of course the horrible looking garden. What a disaster that was!! A waste of all of our tax dollars. They also offer classes that directly compete with parks and rec programs and other businesses owned by Ridgewood tax payers. So disappointing for the town to allow this in a park!

    Does anyone really know what goes on there??? I would love to know. I see the lot full to capacity many times a week, busses coming and going all day long chartered busses lingering and idling on hillcrest. Loud parties on the back porch. Other parties that must be very private because the curtains are closed tightly those evenings!! Why all the security?? What is going on since this business came to the park ???

    We all know Jeff and friends go there. He actually hosted a party there that had alchohol. Is that healthy living ?? Were there kids there learning healthy eating habits during this? That’s what was presented to the council at the meeting 2 years ago. The use was changed to educational and recreational. Is this the ” new recreation”?

    Oh Jeff and friends when will it end?

  15. 7:13 don’t all counsel members vote for the budget or is it only a mayor who decides? The counsel is okay with me to buy the town garage or the mayot.

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