The passing of the infamous bike path should be a cautionary and oft-repeated tale.
The bike path is a prime example of why Aronson dragged us down into the place where we are now. He wanted to “improve” the Village to suit his own myopic view of what a modern day town should look like. He neither sought nor obtained consensus, merely a chorus of well meaning but unbalanced followers who likened what Aronson was doing to the Seventeen Century rebuilding of France.
Don’t get me wrong, bike paths and accessibility are great ideas, but when you build a bike path, you should base it on the needs of the bike rider, not simply the whimsical fancy of a transient politician. When you do the former and not the latter, you end up exactly as we have ended up with a path to nowhere.
As someone observed, the bike path fiasco will be repaired.. The cost of this boon google is the hundreds of thousands of dollars of tax money spent on the project, the hundreds of hours of school and work commuters’ time spent on the Ridgewood avenue back ups, and the constant risk to public health and safety.
On the other hand, Aronson’s other pet projects inflict injury that might never be repaired.
Now, we face the same ills presented by the mutti-family apartment projects pushed through by Aronson. The addition of hundreds of new families downtown concentrated on two streets running along the train tracks and the train station, will increase our tax burden, strain our administrative resources and risk the health and safety of our school children and elderly pedestrians. All to satisfy the whims of a wanna-be politician and the motives of profit-driven developers. As with the bike path, we have the toxic blend of poor planning and mis-guided intentions. Sadly, the monstrosities about to be built will not be fixed as easily as a bike path.
The garage under consideration by the present council is similarly ill-advised , No one has really articulated why we need it, other than to whine about the need to drive around looking for a weekend space or to spout the fantasy that a parking garage will “save” our downtown. Yet, the current council seems inclined to go build for building sake – – exactly the same approach taken by the prior Council..
This is fake news.
We need to stay focused on why the Council is still warm to the idea of installing Garagezilla.
And keep the heat on Saraceno’s Ghetto.
I think it was clear concise and very factual.Its a warning of what’s to come and how in future we can possibly prevent things like a massive municipal garage that no one but the developers politicians and some store owners want but no one is will to pay for ..they think the VC and towns tax payers can get worn down or have it slip through during the friends and family deals of summer
No garage, please. Fish isn’t even open any more. Maybe It’s Greek to Me will follow. Get that wall off the sidewalk. Send it to the group designing the wall in Mexico.
10.50 our new administration is open to all ideas for the Wall design.including famous illegitimate ones from RIDGEWOOD,,,
Mr. Vagianos…
Tear Down This Wall !
– RR
how about painting it a rain bow .
Let’s jump on top of it as they did in East-West Germany.
While driving through town I noticed that several places in addition to Paul’s have placed small fences or other barriers between their properties and the street. It means that someone will have to stop in the street in order to discharge sidewalk side passengers–creating even more of a traffic tie-up–as it is physically impossible to open a door on the sidewalk side. It makes the diners happy but not those looking for a parking spot and especially one usable by the handicapped, elderly, small children etc..
7:03 good observation..meanwhile VC OUT COUNTING TREES
on taxpayers properties to invoke penalties to a valid homeowners property rights.Get a grip RIDGEWOOD.Property rights come when you work,save sacrifice to invest in Property.