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Reader says no independent confirmation of the number “1,000” for the Student Walk Out

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There is no independent confirmation of the number “1,000”. This propaganda comes straight from from Principal Gorman. He made the statement to certain individuals that were either recording the event for video livestreaming or taking photographs. He immediately, repeated it to make sure nobody missed it. Take a look at the Ridgewood/Glen Rock patch video of the event and you’ll see Gorman blatantly coaching these individuals. (Apparently they were incapable of counting for themselves.) Anyway, doesn’t that 1,000 number sound so round and large? Kind of gives you the progressive warm and fuzzy, doesn’t it?!? /sarc off

4 thoughts on “Reader says no independent confirmation of the number “1,000” for the Student Walk Out

  1. 1,000 student walkout aka million man march.
    New Math… Felt like a thousand students…Tradition of excellence.

  2. Gee, I don’t know what your problem is. He was just copying Trump with “self adjusted numbers”. If Trump can believe and state that he had the highest number ever for his inauguration, then surely our principal can say attendance was 1000.

  3. What kind of principal brags about a student walkout by overstating the number of students involved?

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