First, there is not a parking problem anywhere near the magnitude described by the Mayor and the garage’s half dozen other supporters. There is a periodic parking inconvenience on weekends and a slight deficit of commuter parking for some Ridgewood residents that need to get to New York City after 7:00 am. The need has never been believably shown for a garage the size of the one proposed by the outgoing Council majority and their developer partners. Unless of course you want to build huge apartment buildings right? Hmmm, maybe this wasn’t about parking after all.
Second, ignoring the Mt. Carmel community in their rush to get the garage built was either a massive oversight or gross miscalculation by the Mayor and his outgoing running mates. You think after the beating their platform took on May 10 that there may have been an olive branch or two extended afterward but no. Anyone, including the Church, that didn’t see things their way was branded as ignorant, obstructionist and all of the other condescending epithets that have been hurled at us for the past 4 years.
Sour grapes much? Bu-Bye
Let’s start with a clean slate JULY more pictures or articles about our former Mayor or his displaced Crew..,it’s upward and Onward now..can’t stand any more Paulie pictures…
Well, I do want the pictures when a criminal investigation shows that there were illegal dealings with their garagezilla.
Agree with 913 – – am really sick of seeing that face of his.
Just want to see s photo or two of him in handcuffs and Gwenn in an orange jump suit.
Do they let you wear toupees in jail?
10:02 – Decorum violation…
I agree. Best thing is to ignore them completely. Goodbye………..
I’m sure this is all part of Paul’s master
151015 year political comeback plan.