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Reader says The world’s biggest stable is filled to the rim with horse dung and someone, presumably not you, needs to do something about it

Faith in Government

the Left’s perspective seems warped by cognitive dissonance. Trump’s task is herculean. The world’s biggest stable is filled to the rim with horse dung and someone, presumably not you, needs to do something about it. Emotions are important but at some point they need to be put to the side in favor of effective action. Your mileage may vary, but you might want to cut Trump a little slack and not try to drag him down to your level. Detraction is a sin we should all work to avoid, particularly when it is directed toward political leaders like Trump who are so clearly working in good faith toward the improvement and betterment of our nation.

Just look what Trump accomplished, against all odds? Why? Because people are desperate for some common sense which we can’t get from the today”s politicians. Securing our borders; better vetting for refugees and people from terror grown countries; a focus of jobs; deregulating finance/EPA and repairing our infrastructure are all good, common sense things our country is in desperate need of. Where was the outrage when Obama made policy changes that affect Cubans? Is the left anti-Cuban? The left look like idiots fighting and protesting to make it easier for terrorists and illegals to come to our country. So stupid. Why aren’t the majority Muslim countries taken in all these refugees but only majority Christian countries are, tell me why?

5 thoughts on “Reader says The world’s biggest stable is filled to the rim with horse dung and someone, presumably not you, needs to do something about it

  1. This is the metaphor of a 12 year old. The person who wrote it believes that he/she has written something profound.

    A middle school teacher would reject this essay.

  2. Thats all you have 12:08 ?

  3. 12:08 obviously lacks common sense.

  4. Perhaps you prefer the pre-election “Drain the Swamp!” imperative, 12:08pm? One way or the other, the existing corruption must be rooted out. Like weeds, right? Just another childish metaphor to amuse the masses….

  5. Most middle school teachers are insane progressive liberals and would fail anyone who doesn’t parrot the latest George Soros talking points. Regardless of the strength of the student’s logic or the coherence of their prose.

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