file photo by Boyd Loving
“Guys. To my knowledge there have been 4 reported burglaries in our neighborhood the past 2 weeks. A couple were on spring and 1 today on John st. The pattern is mid day breaking glass to enter homes. Heard it’s a white male in a hoodie. We should encourage everyone to take the necessary precautions – hide jewelry, valuables, etc. Set your home alarms and lock doors.
As a member of the safety patrol, BE SAFE!”
Anyone have any further info about this. I see nothing in the town blog, Patch, etc. and I suspect this would be bigger news than busting a couple of unauthorized candy sellers in town — from which some would extrapolate a budding crime wave.
Maybe it’s one of those AirBNB people? Good thing we outlawed that.
“As a member of the safety patrol,” What is this Safety Patrol ? What do they do? Where do they patrol? Are they in uniform with badges ? Who do they report to?
I know… there’s no crime in the village.
Do you keep the bullets in your gun or pocket?
Hello? What the heck are the police doing? I heard that the owner on John St caught the man in the act with cameras while at work. Cops called out the canine unit and still could not catch them. What a joke! How much do we pay them?
2:45 we are going to replace the police with a safety patrol and you can be the first one to join.
If this town has a paid police force they should not need a safety patrol.
So the question is 11:20 who is on the safety patrol as stated ,in the article and where did they get their information on the break-ins CNN pr buss feed ?