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Reader says This is straight out of the DNCC playbook

gay flag

This is straight out of the DNCC playbook. When they could not get Scott Garrett any other way, they painted him as a homophobe and won.

Likewise, they are trying to get at this Village Council through the homophobe route, given that their other attempts have failed. It is a tried and tested strategy. The village is increasingly populated by ‘progressives’ who are ready to ignore all other issues as long as you somehow accuse one side of ‘homophobia’ – not matter how absurd the premise.

This entire move is very well choreographed by Hackensack. Expect accusations of homophobia and bigotry (with reference to the referenced article) to feature prominently in the next council election.

And expect the unthinking sheep to fall in line. Council robbing the taxpayers blind and selling the village to developers – who cares? They will fly the rainbow flag!!!!

13 thoughts on “Reader says This is straight out of the DNCC playbook

  1. These people are like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator. They keep coming, coming, coming, until their target is (politically) dead. It’s probably down to us, at this point, to prevent this fatal distortion in our local politics, because all other aspects of the civil society have over time been reduced in power, neutered, or coopted. Including the political party system BTW.

  2. Scott Garrett never did anything for us and he was so gracious in defeat.
    No class whatsoever.

  3. Maybe we should start with a ‘coexist’ flag (because too many people want to burn our current coexist stars & stripes). Then, we can fly the gay flag so no one will call us homophobes. Then, we will be viewed as a tolerant people and we can fly the ISIS flag so the group won’t hate us so much.

  4. Where can I find the DNCC Playbook and what page is this on?

  5. Denial is not just a river in Egypt, 7:54 am (I?).

  6. Where can I find the DNCC Playbook and what page is this on?
    Here’s a link (I don’t know which page it s on but I’m sure you can find it):
    DNCC Playbook

  7. That link is hysterical – to you.

    So, you just made up the “DNCC Playbook”. Don’t pretend that you have facts.

    I don’t care if the rainbow flag flies over Ridgewood. I do care that you pretend to have facts about something.

    Playbooks are a real thing, I just questioned that a post was factual. Apparently not.

  8. Fly your flag on your own property!

  9. Woohoo!!! Can’t wait for the month of June when gay flag will proudly fly in the middle of our village for a FULL month. We all get to feel gay for a whole month. What better way to deal with our boring routine.

  10. Scott dug his own grave, very silly not just to pay his dues.

    Having said that, freedom of thought is at risk here.

  11. Still say a Steeler flag would be nice.

  12. 9:32… Hillary still lost, no matter how hard you wish otherwise.

  13. Please see my comment in the article preceding this. Any non-national or state flag should not be flown in public places. We wouldn’t have space for all the groups who would see the precedent set by this action and want their turn. And, under these conditions, a Steeler flag has as much right to be flown as any other–and would probably cause even more controversy than the presently suggested flag.

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