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Reader says Washington needs to back off and stop interfering in situations that it really is financially ill-prepared to deal with


Reader says Washington needs to back off and stop interfering in situations that it really is financially ill-prepared to deal with

The article is a joke ( ) – it reads like something from the 1970′s or 80′s. Ukraine is a cat and mouse game with Russia being the cat. Both the Russians and the Chinese know that the Euros will not follow the US blindly anymore especially after the debacle in Iraq (a war based on fabrications and lies) and much more recently in Libya and Syria. The Europe needs Russia and China more than it needs the US – energy supplies from Russia are amongst the cheapest in the world and if the Europeans supported US-led sanctions against Russia, it would only hurt the Europeans as all European countries rely on Russia for the supply of natural gas and refined petroleum products. That reliance is between 40% (Germany) and up to 100% for the former Soviet republics.

Russia and China, which holds a huge percentage of US national debt, know that the US is living pay check to pay check and at any minute, either or both of these countries can create an economic nightmare for the US.

Washington needs to back off and stop interfering in situations that it really is financially ill-prepared to deal with. Giving Ukraine $1b in aid, when it owes Russia $1.5b for its supply of natural gas is a bit of a laugh. Ukraine can’t be bought and Crimea is best left in Russia’s control, after all, it was part of Russia until 1954 when it was decided to leave it as part of Ukraine, with the stipulation that Russia’s Black Sea Fleet would remain there.

The funny thing is, Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe, with Crimea, especially the city of Sevastopol being a wealthy part of the country, thanks to Russian money and the fact that close to 90% of the population of Crimea is actually Russian.

So the US needs to back off and take care of its own issues before it considers to wet its feet in another situation that it will not be able to handle.

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