“If the BOE wants to be taken seriously (including those at the top with very obvious and unethical conflicts of interest, who shall not be named), they should remain keenly focused on what an overwhelming majority of parents want for their kids, which is more in-person learning…5 days a week. The taxpayers already pay way to much for the school budget, and while we may tolerate some non-sense and waste in the spirit of town civility, the one thing that will most certainly cause residents to “storm the castle” is if we are forced to spend our hard earned dollars to incentivize lazy and ineffective teachers, who are using COVID as a tool for their personal agenda. Every profession is exposed to the risks of COVID, so why should they be preferentially treated at our expense? Either opt out if you are truly scared, or just follow the damn protocols…”
Yes the kids want to go back to school. I don’t need my kid getting sick and bringing those germs home. Yes more people die from the flu than anything else we get it. But maybe the school system needs to do a better job and keeping the schools cleaner. Because I’m sorry I walked through the school A few years ago and it was dirty. Remember they laid off all the janitors and hired an outside company. And they don’t make that much, and it shows inside what a shame.
No, more people do not die from the flu.
“CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza” https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2018-2019.html
Note that 35.5 million got the flu, roughly 6 times as many cases as Covid-19.
34, 200 deaths which is less than one-fifth of the number of deaths due to Covid-19.
These numbers are more glaring when you take into account that the flu deaths were with no mitigation, and the Covid-19 deaths are with mitigation. Without mitigation, the disparity between the numbers would have been even more dramatic.
School will be shut end of September
As a teacher this is so discouraging to read. If you feel your tax money is going all to the school and the teachers are “ineffective” move elsewhere. My districts teachers have zero say in the decisions happening. It is sad you place blame on teachers being lazy when several go above and beyond to help children succeed and please parents. Remote learning in the spring was far from a vacation for me, it was difficult but I would rather do that than potentially get sick or infect a family member. Don’t diminish teachers, they are the ones who are with your kids all day.
Fact is the Ridgewood’s school rankings have been on a downward slide for a while now, before COVID. Fact is when the schools closed last year, many kids slipped in their performance relative to benchmark because teachers weren’t able to get the kids to thrive in those circumstances (not the teachers fault per se, but some were notably disengaged). Fact is there are some awesome teachers and great educators who can pivot under any circumstance, but unfortunately the fact is there is no shortage of those that can’t. Fact is the rate of transmission in NJ, Bergen County, and specifically Ridgewood are all materially down since the peak, with only a miniscule number or new cases in the last month. Fact is parents aren’t paying taxes for full time teachers to teach part time. Fact is if all-remote implemented, there is a plethora of excess teachers/administrators that can be furloughed until school resumes normal operations, yet the fact is no such plan was ever contemplated.
Fact is the truth sometimes hurts when pointed…