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Reader says, “With regard to expanding the virtual learning and the closing of schools I have three points to make: Science, The Problem, and A Solution”

remote lerning2

“With regard to expanding the virtual learning and the closing of schools I have three points to make: Science, The Problem, and A Solution.”

“First the Science: The CDC says Covid19 is not a serious problem for adolescents and less a concern for children under 10. How do we know this to be true? Not one child in New Jersey between the ages of 5 and 17 has died. Pretty convincing I’d say. After June the NJ hospitals basically found a very successful treatment for Covid19 reducing the morbidity 10X. Current policy: The governor and his Health officials have declared that going to restaurants, box stores, Walmart, most retail stores, bars, and gyms is an acceptable risk if you two things wear a mask and do social distance. This is the NJ health policy when 50 people a day were dying for the last month.

Summarizing science; Covid is not a concern for kids and a big concern for adults, the medical community can treat Covid fairly successfully, and public health policy for Covid is masks and social distance. The kids are OK, it’s the adults at school we’re concerned about. What I don’t know is how many teacher and school employees have died since September. September, because after June the medical community got a handle on this. I ask you that provide that data. Really what we want to know is; what is the teacher morbidity rate? If 50 people per day dying is the State acceptable risk and we have 200,000 school employees (1/50 of the NJ population) what’s acceptable for a contagious deadly disease (ILI)? 1 per day, zero per day? Be careful if you choose zero. Denying death puts you in a pretty small box.

The problem:
Numerous researchers have shown that virtual/remote learning is substandard education. The data is there. Although we probably didn’t need the researchers to tell us what the kids, parents, the teachers, administrators already knew. National studies all find remote learning is substandard. Kids are turning off the audio playing video games, or their video and doing who knows what with their girlfriends, and much more while they are zooming. They also show that remote learning disproportionally hurts the minorities, ethnics, Blacks, Hispanics, the underprivileged, and single parent students. Disproportionally hurting minorities/ethnics is reprehensible. The NJ State Department of Education makes this policy systemic and effectively requires school districts to provide an education that discriminates against the underprivileged and minorities. The incredible part is the NJEA wants even more remote and discriminatory virtual education. And don’t tell me the political leaders and teacher associations are ignorant of the facts that this is a discriminatory policy.

The Solution:
Putting 25 kids next to each other in a classroom, with masks, is not a health problem. The CDC says so. But the adult in the room may be a problem. Remember the NJ health officials say you need two things. Masks and distance. So give the teachers, bus drivers, and school employees a KN95 mask and tell them to social distance 6 feet. Measure temperature of the persons entering the building and you’ll have an acceptably safe environment. To fix the systemic discrimination policy of the State Dept. of Education, petition the State to open the schools. Then send a letter home to all parents stating that the District schools are open to the disadvantaged, poor, minorities, single parent children 5 days a week. And anyone else who wants to attend 5 days/week is welcome. Your schools will fill up in two weeks.”

2 thoughts on “Reader says, “With regard to expanding the virtual learning and the closing of schools I have three points to make: Science, The Problem, and A Solution”

  1. open schools full time. destroying our kids education.

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