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Reader says Yes, I swim every summer at Graydon for 40 years


Yes, I swim every summer for 40 years. Water is clean. It is checked twice a day. I love the sand bottomed Graydon, like a pond.

You former city dwellers have to understand that plants and leaves and sand in water do not make it dirty, unsafe for swimming.

Please do your research a cement bottom chlorinated pool can and often does have deadly bacteria. It too has to be checked and maintained regularly.

Even the ocean too has dirty, unsafe days. Ever been down there when the water has fecal bacteria and you are not allowed to swim.

So come to Graydon this summer ; dive in, I have always loved it.

12 thoughts on “Reader says Yes, I swim every summer at Graydon for 40 years

  1. And we all go to the Jersey shore. I cannot see my feet in the water there but it is not unsafe. Beaches close for ecoli, rip tides and needles but Ridgewoodites keep going.

    Graydon does hire young inexperienced lifeguards. Just like at the shore I always watched my kids at both places.

  2. All these Graydon groupies keep talking endlessly about how awesome it is and how it supposedly makes money.

    Here’s an idea – why not spin it off and sell it to a private entity to operate and run?

    Wait – what’s that? Oh right – there is absolutely no bid from any private entity to run this. Much like garagezilla.

    And for the record, I think most civilized humans agree that duck and goose poop next to you in water is not hygienic. Graydon made sense as a natural pool 30-40 years back when they would chlorinate the sh*t out of it. However, since EPA and groundwater chlorine seepage restrictions came into play, it has become nothing more than a cesspool.

    1. Graydon is cash flow positive

  3. can any one tell us how much they do make.

  4. No shortage of ignorance and bias coming from 3:17pm

  5. Doesn’t anybody have anything to do but bash our beloved bathing beach? If you don’t like it, don’t go there.

  6. James – it has already been pointed out in the comments under the post you linked to that the ‘makes money’ claim only considers yearly operating budget, and ignores capital costs, insurance liability and deferred costs.

    By the same logic, the great state of NJ is ‘solvent’ because it is required – by law – to balance its operating budget each year. Do you concur?

    1. Graydon absorbs other costs from year round park and rec activities and employment

  7. 4:18 – I am happy for all who love Graydon to continue enjoying it.

    And if it does indeed ‘make money’ as is claimed by its fans, then privatizing it would result in a much better outcome than it being government run!

    Free market ideas – as this blog proclaims. Given that 1) There is a significant number of residents who oppose it and 2) it supposedly ‘makes money’ as is, there is no argument whatsoever for keeping it government run and operated.

    In fact, making it private would likely enhance efficiency and generate even more profits – some of which could be kicked back as lower membership fees.

    1. then build a pool in your back yard , as for town pools most in Bergen have closed as for this blog if it had its way 90% of NJ and Village services would be privatized ,but we live in New Jersey and there is more of a chance of electing a communist dictator so we all have to do what we can

  8. James – if we cannot privatize everything then we should not privatize anything? Not even ‘profit making’ ventures that large number of village residents would be glad to hand off?

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