the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ,once again readers questions of the objectivity of “Tapinto Ridgewood”. In a comment on a Ridgewood blog post a reader said :
“Relationship with Tap Into Ridgewood is most certainly not “TBD” . . . We KNOW that the owner/operator of Tap Into Ridgewood is Jason DeAlessi is also the owner/Operator of the Fuerza Strategy Group who ran Paul Vagiano’s campaigns. DeAlessi was his campaign manager for Gods sake.
Paul’s campaign treasurer was an employee at Fuerza Strategy group and Donations were sent directly to Fuerza / TapInto
“In addition to publishing TAPinto Ridgewood, DeAlessi works as the Managing Partner of Fuerza Strategy Group, which specializes in public affairs and marketing.” Paul is essentially a partner at TapInto. es you read that right the editor of the TAP for Ridgewood is a Democratic operative who ran Paul Vagianos last New Jersey Assembly campaign . In fact if you take a look at the Fuerza site , Vagianos is all over it in cameos.”
Tell your story #TheRidgewoodblog , #Indpendentnews, #information, #advertise, #guestpost, #affiliatemarketing,#NorthJersey, #NJ , #News, #localnews, #bergencounty, #sponsoredpost, #SponsoredContent, #contentplacement , #linkplacement, Email: Onlyonesmallvoice@gmail.com
Pee Wee looking tough!
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
What a gross, slimy town this has become.
pot calling the kettle black
I wouldn’t know what that rags writes because this is all old information. It’s a local propaganda rag for vag and company. I wouldn’t waste three seconds of my time looking at that crap.
Once again, the ethics of Mayor Vagianos is in question.
No surprise as this guy is a major schemer and does not seem to be held accountable for anything partially in my opion because the Village attorney is in his close circle of friends. When Vagianos provided a mortgage loan to his friends both involved in Ridgewood business, one as a committee chair the other a law partner responsible for bringing the giant billboard to Ridgewood. This attorney, had actually at one point in his career worked for this very same lawfirm partner. Vagianos a business and building owner with business tenants and his best friend bringing in a giant billboard for Ridgewood advertisements. Coincidence, Conflict of interest. hmmm. Of course, the village attorney penned a statement the Mayor read stating that he did not wrong. again, hmmm.
Ethical. I think not.
Can we trust anything that comes out of this guy?
The title should be changed to “Readers once again question the ethics of Mayor Vagianos as well as the objectivity of his close ties the TapInto Ridgewood online news outlet”
If readers are led to believe that a slant of information is happening, then this would be important and from my perspective, it seems very interesting that favoritism might be in play in a big way using a news outlet, supposed to be impartial, to create stories that suit the narrative of a Mayor who has been steep
I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked. Paul Vagianos being unethical? Said. No. One. Ever.
I believe Vagianos on more than one occassion was also communicating with people via his personal email and not on the official ridgewood village email. This is highly unethical as well. His personal communication devices should be surrendered to the municipality for review. Matt Rogers will of course say it is fine.
Skeeving yet again at his face. He’s so creepy
I just came back from Greece. Had a ton of yummy souvlaki. The stuff he sells at the restaurant are not even a distant cousin of what I ate in Greece. It takes a special type of gullible customer to waste $$ in that hole.
He is not a good guy on the right side of what Ridgewood needs. It is really obvious.
Sorry Paul, Ridgewood is not a Normal Rockwell-esque village, especially when you see the pint sized peanut (or just nut) named Paul Vagianos, behind the curtain. Some call him PFAS Paulie because he told residents to not be concerned with PFAS because it is in everything and is evreywhere. Except the very own village that has that PFAS in their water, is also suing the bad actors for the exact same reason. The hypocrisy is not lost on people. Just like we can’t trust Vagianos, we can’t trust a news rag that is cutting things on the bias.
He is a little fish in a little pond with a huge EGO.
Build a wall Paul
PFAS Paulie
Paul’s Maginal Mystery Tour, Band leader
SNAFU Superintendent
Titanic Cruise Director/deck chair coordinator
Fugazy Factory, Founder in Chief
Recall Paul
Better not call Paul
Paul is running for office again- Election November 2024. VOTE NO
Two-Faced Frank Mortimer is running for Village Council with Paul Vagainos. Also using TapInto as the puppet master. VOTE NO
* Franklin Mortimer Board Member
Parks, Recreation & Conservation Board-cherry picked and appointed by Paul Vagianos
*Instructor at the Cornell University Master Beekeeping Program but exploits bee colonies for profit.
*FORMER President of the New Jersey State Beekeepers Association- REMOVED
* Owner https://frankthebeeman.com/
*Known Greenwasher
*Supports Clear Cutting Acres of Trees
*Petitioned for more artificial turf in RW
*Petitioned County to approve land acquisition expanding adverse environmental impacts
**Exploits bee colonies for gain and commercial profiting from manipulated honey
*Opposed the New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s (NJDA) bee keeping regulations in Ridgewood. NJDA regulations prohibit bee keeping in densely populated areas because of public risk. The regulation render bee keeping illegal in much of Ridgewood. Despite known risks, Frank’s Honey is harvested and manufactured in and around his residential home in Ridgewood, NJ.
He fits right in there with Vagianos and company with another majority vote orchestrated by Paual the puppetmaster. Also him being part of the Parks and recreation group and conservation with the guy who Vagianos gave the financial mortgage loan. These people make decisions that affect Ridgewood and yet the Mayor is giving out a loan. Seems like bad bees swarming around a hive (get the metaphor?).
If you are a bee person wouldn’t you be all in on preservation of the environment? Clearly he is just another bad “actor”
And the question is also why is healthbarn part of park and rec meetings? They hold meetings at the gate house and the owner of a business is part of them and possibly part of the decisions of what is being done with our tax dollars for her benefit?
And is trying to get a business in Habernickle park too. Or something. It was mentioned at meetings. Money for him or healthbarn. More action in a neighborhood park. Who knows. But not out of the goodness of their hearts or the betterment of the park and tax payers
“Questioning” the objectivity of Tapinto is quite the euphemism.
When he ran for council last time, it ran articles and photos of him on the first page and throughout.
Don’t read it, ever.
The crux of the issue with this Mayor and his stage show puppet brigade with Winograd, Weitz and Perron (and The Bee Man Mortimer) is that this Mayor, elected by the people he got to run to promote his agenda, is that he is not a REAL LEADER and sorely lacks the necessary qualities required to protect the residents and to solve problems because he is so focused on his special interest projects where he benefits, whether financial or may reap other tangible benefits to satisfy his massive ego. He doesn’t care about the people of this town, isn’t that much clear? There is absolutely no level of predictability where this mayor and majority council is concerned except that they are all focused on achieving the Mayor’s shortlist of special interest projects where the CBD is concerned and where building a field is concerned.
What we need is true leadership displayed by someone who actually does not have a vested interest as a business owner and landlord in the central business district. A leader who does not prioritize over development, fixes things that require attention, building morale in the village by instilling confidence and moves the needle in the right direction where he doesn’t benefit.
Look around and see what is happening. Paul Vagianos is not a good mayor and has not done right by the people of Ridgewood.
Not a good mayor and certainly doesn’t care about the people or the town
The town is falling apart. It actually sucks to go there between NO stores to shop in and the parking it literally sucks and that is so so sad
We have him to thank. He doesn’t care
the blog is objective??? hahahahahahahaha
No, the blog is not objective but they are not paid for by Council person or our Mayor. Everyone knows PJ censors comments . . . TapInto doesnt advertise they they are paid by Vag.
Do you mean to tell me this blog censors comments while complaining about the VC’s attempts to silence public comments?
oh you mean like the Admins do on the Ridgewood moms and dads facebook group that is a members only page and if that Steve F. doesn’t like something you’ve said you have 3_2_1 and BAM, you are blocked!! so many people over time have been shown the door if those admins dont like the narrative…is that considered creative control? Also his pal Ms. Winograd uses that page to put information out which should be a no, no but does it anyway.
There’s nothing creative about control. It just demonstrates to everyone, and to yourself, that you’re a coward.
Well it might make sense to perform an audit on this private FB page, then as you said, we can see what it demonstrates. Great idea, thanks.
I live to give.
Hell, I didn’t even post anything on Ridgewood Mom and Dad’s and I got banned. I can’t even pull it up on my Facebook searches much less post anything.
Maybe you just have one of those ban-able faces? Trust me, you’re not missing anything.
Yup Steve F and Whino are the not so cuddley commandants of the RW moms and dads page spinning their web and IMO pseudo intellectual nonsense.
Yes, the Blog is objective. James tries to print the problems in Ridgewood fairly and factually. Many of the contributors, however, have strong opinions on both sides of every problem. If they disagree with you, you obviously consider them not objective. James has to bring up what our mayor and our lawyer are doing as they are actually one of the biggest problems in the Village today. I admit, I’m not the least bit objective about our current Council, except for one. I feel they are all like bulls with rings in their noses placidly following whatever their owner wants them to do. Unfortunately their owner doesn’t have a moral in his body And, also, if you don’t like complaints about the Council, RUN to take somebody’s place. Unfortunately, our lawyer must also have a ring in his nose as he lets our Mayor do anything, legal or not.
Ban TapInto! No clicks, no news