Ridgewood High School Field ?
Readers debate value of a “Super Bowl ” ready Ridgewood
March 9,2013
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ , a 20-member village committee headed by John Saracin has been devised with a singular mission in mind: make Ridgewood a draw for tourists coming to the area for 2014′s big game.
Some readers remained skeptical , Mr. Saracino is the Head of the Library Board, member of the parking garage committee. applicant in front of the planning board for a large apartment development ( old Selfons building) and a donator to Mayor Paul Aronsohn campaign.Leads one reader to how many things are be done behind the scenes.
Another reader chastised commentators saying the negativity on this blog never ceases to amaze me. The thought behind Ridgewood being a hub destination during Super Bowl week is to attract folks from nearby communities into Ridgewood’s downtown to enjoy a fun, family experience.
There are many Ridgewood residents that are working on this committee with the good intent of introducing or reintroducing nearby residents to our downtown with the expectation that they will become return shoppers, diners, etc. ….and yes there are issues that need to be addressed, e.g. parking, traffic, etc….
ah wait did you say parking… ?
These Ridgwood Sports people are ledges in their own mind.
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
This poster clearly doesn’t know John, his family, his political affiliations or his personal/professional integrity. I guess people should follow this poster’s lead and NOT volunteer time and effort to make a positive difference for their children and the community. Why would anyone want to be a community volunteer when losers like this guy think it is appropriate to make unfounded allegations and offer criticism. A simple thank you might be nice once in a while. I really do not understand the irrational “anti-EVERYTHING” and nasty skepticism that permiates this blog on a daily basis. It is truly disgraceful.
Before we crucify the idea let’s hear what they have to say. If it doesn’t cost the taxpayers money let them make a proposal and see what they have to say.
We want to attract people from neighboring towns to Ridgewood for the Superbowl? If they are not going to the game why would they come here? Do what you want, it is not in my business plan to promote Ridgewood as a Superbowl destination. Maybe the tiger team can figure out something for them.
The Tiger Team dissolved after they presented their conclusions to the Village Council. I would be surprised if any of its members ever volunteer for any effort to assist Village government in the future, after seeing the apathy and lack of gratitude for their work that has been expressed on this site.
Sorry but all the recommendations of the Tiger Team have been either supported or put forward on this Blog long before the Tiger team ever existed ,also this blog ran more posts on the Tiger Team than the Glen Rock Patch and the Ridgewood News combined
Funny how when certain people in town state the obvious that they are heroes to the community but if the same thing is said on this blog some how people are complainers and being negative.
“all the recommendations of the Tiger Team have been either supported or put forward on this Blog long before the Tiger team ever existed…”
Interesting James. You may be a little out over you skis with that comment. I am not connected to the Tiger Team. But, I have followed this blog for some time. Perhaps you can document which of the specific recommendations were put forward on this blog before the Tiger Team was formed, and the date they were put forth. There may have been one or two “general ideas”. But, I do not recall ever reading about any specifics that were put forth in the Tiger Team’s report.
I think you need to re-read the blog for the last 10 years , it sounds like you missed a lot
Graditude? Sorry, thank you tigers. Did you expect a parade too?
They should have looked at the obivous budget buster, the board of education. But the sports coaches would have held it against their kids. Sports trump logic.
People who are coming to see the Super Bowl aren’t going to come to Ridgewood. They’re sports fans. They’ll be going to NY City to see other sporting events, drink in the bars and eat in world class restaurants. Do you think they’re going to tell their friends back home “Yeah, we travelled to NJ for the Super Bowl and couldn’t wait to see Ridgewood!” This sounds like an idea put forth by women or non-sports fans.
“By women?”? Please slpain yourself Ricky.
By “non-sports fans and women” I was referring to the groups who know the least about sports, fully recognizing that there are many women who are very knowledgeable about sports, but that they are the minority within their gender
I think #8 is absolutely correct. Nobody coming in from another state is gonna give a rats as about ridgewood NJ
This is not about the people coming to Ridgewood or not…
It’s about the deals cut to line the pockets of the hacks running the town.
“Line the pockets of hacks in this town”…
Are you kidding??? What the heck do you think is going on?.? Do you care to explain how pockets are getting lined and who these “hacks” are, whose pockets are being lined so inappropriately????
You seem to have a vivid imagination. Unfortunately, your actual life must be excruciatingly dull to spend your time obsessing about ridiculous conspiracy theories like this.
#14 Seems to have hit a nerve…
Must be some truth to his statement.
The business community in Ridgewood is out of control. Parking garages, big box store, Super Bowl. How about the Greek to Me owner who built a per ant stone structure on the sidewalk, was given a ticket and told to remove kept. He told the officials NO and he’s going to Paul Aronsohn. The fix is in.
Billboard in Times Square: Forget NY–come to Ridgewood.
# 18 I wounder he he got away with that wall. So much for Mayor Paul Aronsohn caring for people with disability. If some one tried to off load a person with disability’s they could even get the door open. I guess it pays to know this new Mayor.