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Readers say Investigating the flyer? Are you kidding me????, Mr Mayor Ridgewood is Not a Dictatorship


“Investigating the flyer” BRING IT ON. The Three Amigos and the Chamber should tread lightly.They may get caught up in any investigation for what they have done. I suspect the the person or persons that mail the flier have done their homework

Oh by the way, the law has been seriously broken; a major crime has been committed according to some speakers at tonight’s Parking Forum.

They wonder who committed the so-called crime of making Vote No parking flyers and didn’t sign name.

Don’t you know that only Vote Yes Parking signs are allowed. Those signs are not signed either; but that is OK.

And it is OK that they are placed all over Ridgewood on PUBLIC PROPERTY.

Dictatorship is alive and well in Ridgewood N.J.

So what are we going to do about it. Well, I am going to vote no on parking.

Watch out for dictatorial council practices in future. Attend meetings and let them know that democracy is NOT being practiced in Ridgewood.. Democracy in name only; not in practice.

Investigating the flyer? Are you kidding me???? What the heck is going on around here? Do they investigate every real-estate postcard that comes in the mail? Every advertisement? Such an investigation is illegal I am sure of it. And by the way, Mr. Transparent Mayor – where was all this super sleuthing when the anonymous email was sent to Mike Sedon’s employer? You were not in the least bit curious or concerned, and in that instance a HUGE ethical breach had been committed.

Let them go ahead and accuse someone about the flyer. We will be all over them like fire ants. They will rue the day they started this investigation.

17 thoughts on “Readers say Investigating the flyer? Are you kidding me????, Mr Mayor Ridgewood is Not a Dictatorship

  1. They should change the name of Ridgewood to Salem because the witch hunt is on after the witches and warlocks said the the vote no fliers were illegal. Who will they burn at the stack. Who’s reputation will they try to destroy? All under the umbrella of civility and transparency

  2. I’d love to know how in hell they got my phone number to robocall me.

  3. Just check out the garage in Ramsey…..never used…10% occupancy….a white elephant…

  4. Well said, James! They need to investigate themselves. Have they not heard of Freedom of Speech? It’s a campaign about a parking garage, consisting of two-sides, not the my/one-way they are use to.

  5. For purposes of the Robocall, the Mayor may have accessed the voter registration records to obtain otherwise unlisted numbers for Ridgewood households.

  6. Well James I see the Mayor’s Apologists are starting to post.

  7. Garage in Stamford CT is collapsing…out of service. They are still paying that debt.

    Voted first thing this morning: NO.

  8. Voted NO this morning.

  9. Can we investigate why we haven’t investigated the planters in front of Paulie’s place?

  10. It really rubbed me the wrong way that the mayor sent out a robocall to residents last night! Please vote NO!!!! I am tired of being bullied by our town council!!

  11. The only way for the average citizen to be heard is to be organized with a message and a way to make it heard . Ridgewood residents put a flyer out and spent their own money. Thank you and I will be boring NO not because I am against more parking but because the garage is not the answer.

  12. Would you trust this Council with $15 million and a half baked plan?

  13. District 16 BF WHERE I VOTED NO AND LIBRARY DISTRICT 9 both said much higher turnout than EXPECTED

  14. Big turnouts generally happen when people are angry. We can hope.

    Just remember EVERY VOTE COU NTS. Gwennie girl won by only six votes. So get out there and vote NO.

  15. Gwenn HAWK is posting on the facebook forum as follows:

    Gwenn Hauck Dear Ellen, after almost four years, I have come to love and appreciate residents who share good ideas and talk with me no matter whether I agree with them or not – I love to have my mind changed! I viscerally believe in OPENNESS and fairness, and moving to the middle. Would you believe that elected officials don’t trust some residents too?! There are so many personal agendas and sabotages out there. It is incumbent on all of us to work together to trust and communicate. Communication is the key!

    Oh my GAWD, what is she drinking TODAY? She despises those who disagree with her, speaks contemptuously and viciously when people speak out. She berates members of the public and members of the council. Many of us have some of the wildest emails from her ever. No, Gwenn, you do not love and appreciate residents that do not agree with you.

    And, you do not like to have your mind changed. We have you on tape saying that people can talk all they want, but your mind will not be changed. And people can talk all they want but a resolution is already in place so your mind won’t change.

    Yeah, I’ll have one of whatever you are drinking. Can you say DELUSIONAL?

  16. There was also relatively heavy turnout in District 11 (Travell) at mid morning.

    1. 4 and 7 claim to also have big turn outs

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