There is no justification for this increase – There was a 15% increase only 2 years ago ($650 to $750) and now a whopping 25% increase only two years later?!?!? When I complained about the increase two years ago I was told the town had done a study of the neighboring towns to make sure the cost was in alignment, which was totally BS since they would never share this study, and when I did my own study the next highest cost in a neighboring town was Ho Ho Kus that was charging residents $295/year – Sometimes I truly hate this town.
Shut up and take it. Small potatoes next to what everyone would be paying if the parking deck (Eiffel Tower according to Rurik) had been built.
You can thank Jeff Voigt directly. He probably most pushed the “parking utility as an underutilized asset” and has been trying to eek every nickel out…probably to build the huge garage…Many of us tried to tell him not to squeeze taxpayers…
Which towns? Hohokus charges $350/yr. Waldwick 250/yr. Glen Rock $145/yr.
Oh 10:26 when something goes wrong it Voigt fault. Lets see who votes for this before we sharpen the pitchforks.Maybe you could try this. Its Bush’s, fault.
So which lot is it that is going to $1000? If it is the the one on the west side of the train station, then I think I have a good idea about what is going on here.
Ridgewood this is a pre holiday screwing.they expect us to roll over and pay on this one.We should shake out the pitchforks politically to those who pushed this through.how about a 25 percent reduction in our politicians salaries.might get some attention to compromise if that one was snuck in on the last car of the Santa Claus express agenda . It’s in our face folks..
They think we are their minions
Don’t buy the pass and just use quarters.