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Readers suggest , The Ridgewood “parking problem” is all about laziness


The Ridgewood “parking problem” is all about laziness, where people want to find a space on a Friday night or Saturday right in the prime area of the CBD. Heaven forbid that they have to walk two blocks, or even 10 minutes from their actual house.

No garage required. The town has a wonderful design. The original design trumps the shop keepers. That’s what makes Ridgewood what it is, a charming quaintish historical architecture downtown. Some business will make it, some won’t.

By the way, what no one says is that there are many times in any mall and I am talkin WestField, Fashion Center, Paramus Park, when it is difficult to find an up close parking spot near your favorite store, and sometimes any parking spot. No one says that. So why shouldn’t it be crowded in tiny Ridgewood downtown.

I mean, hey, you walk the WHOLE downtown and I’ll tell you folks, it doesn’t count as an exercise walk to prevent heart disease and cancer , the heart organization and cancer society says is necessary for good health. I mean it is that tiny. So what the f..k.

Take a walk those who want a parking garage. Meaning Go Away!

Upon further review, there is no parking problem in Ridgewood. While parking in town can be occasionally inconvenient, there has never been a need for the 5 story structure that nearly got built.

8 thoughts on “Readers suggest , The Ridgewood “parking problem” is all about laziness

  1. Totally agree. Drive around a couple times and someone is always leaving.

  2. I agree that no large garage is needed, but we definitely need a few handicapped spots in downtown Ridgewood. Those of us that are handicapped simply can’t dine in Ridgewood unless we visit the few places that have Valet Parking.

  3. 9:52, aren’t there laws about that, or only in parking lots? If so, odd.

  4. 9.52 has an excellent point ..we don’t need a concrete monolith neighborhood destroyer to deal with Day to Day accommodations
    for handicap drivers. The first spot on approaching corner should be set aside for handicap driver parking without four point back up parking maneuvers.This is not rocket science folks.Employee parking should be discounted incented and audited by physical and electronic inspection.
    Quid Pro quo.

  5. And the biggest offenders are the employees who are just too lazy to park in the lots. Come into town at 9am and see how many spots on the street are filled up. Do you think they are shoppers? I’ll answer for you. No they are lazy employees. I would suggest we start the meters at 7am and enforce repeat parking. That would mean that employees would have to move their cars several times during the day which is annoying.

  6. Garage issue should be officially dead by now. There are many who have handicapped decals who shouldn’t have them, or have them because a family member is handicapped. Anyone who uses one of these who is less than 80 or is not clearly handicapped should be publicly beaten. I have approached more than one able-bodied handicap space user who was outraged that I questioned their sense of entitlement. they ruin it for all.

  7. 3:24, I’m handicapped (but not yet 80) but I have to totally agree with your statement. “I’m not parked, I’m just waiting for someone.” (Yeah, BUT you’re “waiting” in a handicapped spot making it inaccessible for use.) Funny, that young man (?) cut me off for the handicapped space and just ran up those steps. Gee, is his name really Gracie? That’s what is on the temporary placard. Handicapped spots are regularly abused.

  8. 3.24 has hit apon a defendable role our parking agents should about 10 minute grace for our harried shopper visitors late to get back to a meter from a store or village service organization.we punish those visiting to dare pop into a last local store for fast added purchase..get rid of all’s crazy ESP on a Saturday..glen Rock gives 3 hours free in ample lots behind the main merchants stores..I go there I use their barbers and stop at Their drug stores etc on what to and from my free parked car.not rocket science

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