the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hackensack NJ , Bergen county gets hit with a Red Wave on election night . County wide offices show some big upsets :
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hackensack NJ , Bergen county gets hit with a Red Wave on election night . County wide offices show some big upsets :
Lets see if people stop voting for clowns
By Joe Cutter March 28, 2017 5:00 AM
A new Fairleigh Dickinson/Public Mind Poll shows Jersey voters are dissatisfied with both the governor and Trenton lawmakers in general.
“Dissatisfied” might be an understatement.
Just 1 percent of voters — that’s 1 out of 100 — said they trust Trenton lawmakers to always do what’s right.
Krista Jenkins, professor of political science and director of the FDU poll, says many respondents took a dim view of where we are going.
“Barely a quarter, or 24 percent, believe that the state is on a good path, with 67 percent who think otherwise.”
She said voters were asked a number of questions about their feelings toward state government, and across all measures, voter discontent runs broad and deep.
The poll also showed a very slight improvement in Gov. Chris Christie’s rating, but it still remains at an abysmal low.
“We find that his approval numbers are up slightly from January, which is the last time that we asked the same question. But they do remain statistically unchanged at 20 percent. Almost three-quarters, or 72 percent, of registered voters say they disapprove of his leadership.”
But Jenkins says it is not just about the governor.
Read More: Jersey rage: Residents hate Christie, don’t trust Legislature at all | https://nj1015.com/jersey-rage-residents-hate-christie-dont-trust-legislature-at-all/?trackback=tsmclip
April 21,2015
Ridgewood NJ, In an interesting turn of events Ridgewood ‘s own Paul Vagianos of Its “Greek to Me ” has announced his candidacy ,running as Democratic for State Assembly – District 40.
The campaign will host a major fund raiser on May 9th , Vagianos is relative unknown outside of Ridgewood. So the question is why didn’t our Mayor throw his hat into the ring? He has more name recognition and political background and he has developed a strong friendship with State Senator Kevin O’Tool . Could it our mayor Paul Aronsohn has other plans or is there some other issues like his unenthusiastic support for the Roy Cho campaign against Congressmen Scott Garrett or maybe even some potential fallout from the Bob Menendez blow up with President Obama ?
May 9th Event: Vagianos & Ordway for N.J. Assembly
Thank you for supporting the Vagianos & Ordway for N.J. Assembly May 9th Fundraising event with Special Guest Brendan “Tom” Byrne, Jr.!
The event is on Saturday, May 9th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Home of Christine and Ed Ordway, 102 Evergreen Court, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Cocktails and a Dinner Buffet will be served.
You may make your contribution online on this page, or you may mail with your contribution via check to:
Vagianos and Ordway for N.J. Assembly, Finance Office, P.O. Box 370, Ridgewood N.J. 07451
Check contributions should be made payable to: Vagianos and Ordway for N.J. Assembly
Paid for By Vagianos and Ordway for N.J. Assembly, 717 Godwin Avenue, Midland Park, N.J. 07432
‘Open Space’ Travesty Says It All
Aug. 11
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Everything that drives me crazy about Trenton played out in last week’s passage of a new “Open Space” measure, Save Jerseyans, setting up a ballot question for the November election and another expenditure which we can ill-afford.
Bad logic. Reckless spending. And a little good old fashioned horse trading?
In case you’re not aware of the background information, SCR-84 results in a proposed constitutional amendment on New Jersey’s next general election ballot which, if approved by the voters, dedicates $150 million per year for open space conservation over 30 years. That’s a roughly $4 billion investment at a time when our government just declined to make an additional, pre-planned $2.4 billion payment towards our chronically underfunded pension system.
And it doesn’t make much sense, does it? At least not right now regardless of how you feel about open space land preservation. But it’s part of a disturbing trend where our legislators shirk their responsibility to make tough decisions by passing reckless constitutional amendment proposals that are designed, at least in part, to boost Election Day turnout. Last year’s minimum wage question and 2012′s higher education Big Labor stimulus package were apparently just the beginning.
Set aside for a moment your conceptions of what government should do or what you know it can afford. Personally, I think open space is great idea as a general concept. Government should use smart zoning and general funds to create parks and prevent our entire state from resembling that planet-sized capital city from the Star Wars movies.
What you may not know is that New Jersey taxpayers have already preserved an area of land, inside our state’ boundaries, that’s approximately the same size as Delaware – almost 2,000 square miles.
– See more at: https://savejersey.com/2014/08/open-space-bail-reform-new-jersey/#sthash.zCmy7klW.dpuf
Assembly Puts Brakes On Common Core
Jun. 18
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
If I told you that the Democrat-dominated New Jersey Assembly voted 72-4 this week to slow down the pace of Common Core State Standards implementation, Save Jerseyans, you’d probably feel the urge to get your eyes checked. But that’s exactly what happened on Monday. Go figure….
The legislative effort spearheaded by Assemblywoman Mila Jasey (D-Essex) won a dozen primary sponsors and overwhelming bipartisan support; if it becomes law, the bill would establish a task force to review (not scrap) state participation in the controversial new Common Core standards and the equally controversial the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) testing.
It’s a step in the right direction, however tiny… and not necessarily for the right reasons…
Key to understanding this story is whom the initiatives manage to offend.
Answer: almost everyone!
– See more at: https://savejersey.com/2014/06/assembly-new-jersey-common-core/#sthash.c05MFwy0.dpuf