If any RHS alumni are looking for some last minute gifts, we still have t-shirts, hats, umbrellas and blankets for sale. Please check out the items atRHSalumniassociation.org …scroll down on the main landing page to see the items. Thanks.
Ridgewood NJ, The Ridgewood High School Alumni Association is currently accepting nominations for this year’s Distinguished Alumni event. The event will take place on Thursday, March 10th, 2016. The deadline for nominations is January 23rd, 2016.
Please submit all nominations via the website (RHSalumniassociation.org) under the Contact Us section. Please make sure to include the full name of the graduate, year of graduation and a brief write up detailing the person’s distinguished achievements. Any questions or inquiries can be sent directly to info@rhsalumniassociation.org.
“The Ridgewood High School Alumni Association is currently accepting nominations for this year’s Distinguished Alumni event.”
-will someone nominate the worthy RHS grad PJBlogger? That’s an easy one…he’s on the cutting edge of local blogging and news and is giving a great deal back to Ridgewood.
What year is that pic…?
Got to be in the 70s….
RHS Class of 1976 on their big day.
James you mean “big hair day”
Look at the dude with the red or maroon bowtie…
Did they walk up to Peter Frampton..??